Astronomy 221: Stars and Planets
Instructor: Heather Morrison,, Sears 558, phone 368 6698
Admininistrative stuff: grading scheme, textbook
Class calendar:
Problem Set 1: due 5pm, Friday Sept 5
Problem Set 2: due 5pm, Friday Sept 19.
Problem Set 3: due 5pm, Friday Oct 3.
Problem Set 4: due 5pm, Friday Oct 17.
Fall Break Oct 27, 28
Problem Set 5: due 5pm, Friday Nov 7.
Problem Set 6: due 5pm, Friday Nov 21.
Problem Set 7: due 5pm, Fri Dec 5
Final Dec 16, 8:30am
Course Outline:
Overview of the Formation of the Solar System
Notes: Formation of the Solar System
(Notes as .pptx)
Physical Processes: Gravity.
Kepler and Newton's Laws. Orbits. Energy and escape velocity
illustrating Kepler's laws
Notes: Physics governing orbits
Meteorites and Asteroids: orbits.
Minor planet center animations
Notes: orbits of bodies in the solar system Physical Processes: Radiation Pressure.
Comets, Meteorites and Asteroids: Composition, dating, origins.
Oort cloud and Kuiper belt.
Halley's comet from Giotto spacecraft
Notes: properties of asteroids and meteorites
(Notes as .pptx)
Physical Processes: Collisions and Giant Impacts
Notes: Collisions in the solar system
(Notes as .pptx)
Planetismal hypothesis revisited
Notes: Structure and surface of Mercury (Notes as .pptx)
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter movie of the rotation
of the Moon
Notes: Moon structure and its formation via a giant impact (Notes as .pptx)
LRO movie of the evolution of the Moon after its formation
Physical Processes: Tidal Forces
Tides and tidal evolution: Earth/Moon system and evolution,
Mars' moons, Io. Mercury's spin-orbit coupling.
Notes: tides and tidal evolution
Physical Processes: Gravity vs Pressure.
Properties and interiors of the giant planets
Atmospheric equilibrium, scale height of atmospheres
Notes: Hydrostatic equilibrium and scale heights of atmospheres
Interiors of terrestrial planets. Heat budgets.
The Earth: internal structure,
temperature and pressure, plate tectonics and
Notes: the Earth and its plate tectonics
Tectonics on other terrestrial planets
Notes: Heat budgets for planets
Physical processes: atmospheres
Where do atmospheres come from? giant vs terrestrial planets
Notes: How do planets lose atmospheres? Origin of
Earth's atmosphere
Greenhouse effect (notes from Prof Mihos)
Notes: Measuring distances to stars
Physical Processes: Blackbody Radiation
Reading: Kutner Ch 2
Notes: Measuring brightness and color for stars
Reading: Kutner Ch 3
Notes: Classifying stellar spectra
Notes: The HR diagram: temperature vs luminosity
binary movie (from Rock Pogge OSU)
Physical Processes: Balancing gravity with energy output
Notes: The Sun -- nuclear fusion reactions
Notes: The Sun -- structure and radiative transfer
Notes: The interstellar medium and star formation
Notes: Stellar evolution for low mass
stars, white dwarfs
Notes: Evolution for high-mass stars
Notes: Supernovae and neutron stars
How did it happen? What constraints do we have?
The Roche limit: Giant planet rings and moons.
Notes: Stars - measuring mass and size.
Binary stars.
Spectroscopic binary movie (from Rock Pogge OSU)
binary movie (from Rock Pogge OSU)
See also the description of a core-collapse supernova in Carroll and Ostlie pp530-534.