Astronomy 221: Stars and Planets

Instructor: Heather Morrison, Sears 558, phone 368 6698

Office hours Wednesday 3:30-4:30. Also, you can email me at to ask questions or set up a time to catch me.

Teaching Assistant: Ashley Shukayr Sears 561,

Ashley's office hours: Friday 2:30-3:30.

Class home page is

Text (required): Astronomy, a Physical Perspective, 2nd edition, by Kutner. I will also refer sometimes to "Modern Astrophysics", by Carroll and Ostlie, which is on reserve in the astronomy library, as reference.

There will be homework sets given out every 2-3 weeks, 4 short in-class tests and a final exam.

Grades: Homework: 35% Tests: 30% Final: 35%

Late homework policy: we will deduct 10% of the total grade for every day late, unless previous arrangements have been made with Prof Morrison.

Classes will be interactive, with lots of group discussions of the material.