PNe9 - Running (old) statistics on
simulated theoretical PNe positional data
Armed with the PNe coordinates from the PNe8alpha methods, we try to do
statistics on this data, which DOES have a correlation between PNe and
light, in it (since we generated it that way!)
For this we used the PNe coordinates from alpha_2.5 = 23 x 10^-9, and
subsampled the catalog according to the number of PNe found by
Feldmeier/Okamura, as described on this
The statistics applied are similiar to this page: PNe7. We used 4 histograms:
2 PNe - place box between every pair of PNe that are close enough to
fit in the box
1 PNe - place a box centered on every PN
Random - place random boxes, 2 runs
placing as many random boxes as there
are PNe - Random(1)
placing as many random boxes as there
are 2 PNe pairs - Random(2)
None - place random boxes but make sure they have 0 PNe in there, 2
placing as many Zero boxes as there are
PNe - Random(1)
placing as many Zero boxes as there are
2 PNe pairs - Random(2)
Error bars were plotted from the Monte Carlo-ing of ## trials. Error
on 1 and 2 PNe came from the respective Random and None runs with the
same number of boxes.
Error bars on DELTA plots are from the sigma/quartiles from the
calculated DELTAs over all runs.
We do not (in this iteration)
Monte Carlo the PN catalog, that is, we (should?/could?) subsample that
catalog randomly to get better error estimates
they reflect a "minimum" or "partial" error in the data as they only
deal with errors associated with our box selections around the images
and NOT with PNe selections (or anything else)

NOTE: for the Delta 2 - R_2 graph, the value of the data point at a
half-box width of 1.45" (1px)
has been manually set to the value of the next point. It originally was
~ -200. This
was due to the difficulty in finding 2 PNe boxes with a box width of 3

NOTE: for the Delta 2 - R_2 graph, the value of the data points at
half-box widths of 1.45" (1px),
4.35" (3px) and 7.25" (5px) have been manually set
to the value of the point at 10.15" (7px).
They originally were >1000. This was due to the
difficulty in finding 2 PNe boxes with box
widths so small

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