Final statistical analysis on PNe data

After much deliberation, experimentation, and trial and error, this is the final procedure decided on to analysis/examine PNe data.
These methods are detailed below in what feels like too much detail but should be helpful later on down the road.

Here is an updated (9/21/07) flowchart for masking/etc:

Here's a menu/index of all the information contained on this page (it is a lot):

Real Data: [PNe28 - click for standard small individual summaries]
    Details of analysis/code/methods
Theoretical Data: [PNe26 - click for standard small individual summaries]
    Details of analysis/generation/code/methods
Comparing Real and Theoretical:
Re-Graphing (separate page) display any/all of the data for yourself

Analysis on Real Data:
Download the analysis code here: [renamed to and main macro is PNe28, just for consistency/clarity]
Download the graphing code here: [renamed also with the 28 for clarity]
    If you want to actually DO graphing again, go to this re-graphing page.

The real data comes in 7 fields:
    Aguerri's Fields (Core, Sub, FCJ, LPC) [PNeA.dat - Field, PN#, RAh, RAm, RAs, DECd, DECm, DECs, M5007, NOTES]
    Feldmeier's Fields (3, 4, 7) [PNeF.dat - Field, PN#, RAh, RAm, RAs, DECd, DECm, DECs, M5007, NOTES]
    If you need these files, they can be found in my home directory, ~/Virgo/FeldPNe/ under the above file names.

As the analysis is done on each field, it only opens the appropriate data file, as there is overlap between some fields, but we do NOT
        want overlap in the data files.

All box selections are written out to data files as part of this program:
    Boxes with 1+ PNe: 28.1.Im3.fits.R1.wfound.dat [RA DEC RANG]
    Boxes with 0 PNe: 28.1.Im3.fits.R1.0found.dat [RA DEC RANG]
    Boxes selected randomly: 28.1.Im3.fits.R1.Rfound.dat [RA DEC RANG]
        1 is trial number that goes from 1-20
        3.fits is the field (unmasked field 3)
        R1 is statistics box range (half-width) of 1 (3x3 px)

Trials are set by a small file called i.i, which contains just a single number on the first line. This file must exist for to run. The
    number it contains is the trial number will perform when it is run. That is, if i.i is 1, will run trial #1 when executed,
    and will, as soon as it has started, change i.i to 2, so that the next instance of (presumably you're running a whole bunch on
    the cluster) will start on the next trial number.

Other important small files are: v.v, PNe.param.
    v.v - this file sets the version number, and should usually match the folder it's in - PNe28 should have v.v set at 28.
    PNe.param - this file tells the code whether or not to allow boxes to overlap each other. In version 28 (this version), this file is no
       longer needed as boxes are always allowed to overlap, but it still is important in other versions.

Selection of fields to use and ranges for statistics box size are set in the actual code (admittedly sloppy, but effective). If no changes
    are made to the lines defining them, all fields will be used over all ranges. If you want to select certain ranges to run, simply add
    a line like: set raO = { 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 } and only the ranges stored in that vector will be used. Similarly, the images to be
    run are stored in a vector, except they are slightly more complicated, as there is the issue of side-by-side images now so that we
    can read from the "MM" masked image. To run all images, the code looks like this: set imO = { 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 }
    and if you want to only run certain ones, you must compare that vector of numbers to the list of images directly below it in the code.
    Here is a handy small table to show how the numbers correspond to the fields:
3.fits 3m.fits 4.fits 4m.fits 7.fits 7m.fits Core.fits Corem.fits Sub.fits Subm.fits FCJ.fits FCJm.fits LPC.fits LPCm.fits
    So use the set imO = command to choose whichever numbers for the fields you wish to run.

pickgoodbox is a macro in that selects a random box (center) with constraints:
    box (center) must be within the limits of this image, less the size of the statistics box (so that a statistics box can collect pixels all
        around this center)
    box (center) must be on an unmasked pixel when looking in the "MM" masked image [i.e. 3mm.fits] - the image with bright star
        mask and SExtractor/MonteCarlo mask, but NOT surface brightness cutoff (used for theoretical data generation)

After a box has been selected, it is tested to see if there are any PNe in it, by calculating the distance between all PNe in the catalog
    and the box center. If any PNe are found, the box's coordinates are added to the vector that will eventually be written out to the
    *.wfound.dat file and the pixels inside the box are added to the vector of pixels from boxes with PNe in them.
If the box contains 0 PNe, it is added to the storage of boxes without PN, the coordinates to the *.0found.dat and the pixels to the
    appropriate vector for storage.
Random boxes are generated by simply querying the pickgoodbox macro and unconditionally using the output as the box center.

The number of each type of box is set to be the same as the number of PNe observed in the field, and these numbers are preset
    and hard-coded into the code.

After boxes have been selected, coordinates saved/written out, and pixel values concatenated, we move into the histogramming and
    graphing section.

The stored pixel vectors are histogrammed and the graphs are outputted as One of these graphs contains all three
    types of boxes, each in a different colour, with their medians also displayed on the graph.
The computed medians are stored in a data file called which is drawn on later by to graph up the error bars and
    range-dependent plots. This file is [image range 1+PNeMedian 0PNeMedian RandomMedian]. is the program that will combine all of these *.med files from all ranges for each field.
At the beginning of the code there are vectors to set of running parameters. Similarly to, they are:
    For range: set ra = { 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 25 35 45 55 } (these should match the parameters used in or else it will try to
        read files that do not exist)
    For fields: set im = { Core.fits Corem.fits FCJ.fits FCJm.fits } (again, you should be sure that the first part of the analysis has
        been run and *.med files exist for the selected fields)

This code is robust enough to know to skip files when they do not exist, but this can cause strange things to happen on the output graphs.
    If the output graphs have points with value 0 or huge error bars, this is probably happening. To make sure it's reading all the files, watch
    the terminal output as you run the program and be sure all trials (1-20, or whatever you've done) are being read in.

Currently, this program is hard-coded to read in trials (28.trial_number.*med) numbered 1-20. To change, redefine the variable itt near the
    beginning of the code. Whatever itt is set at will be the maximum trial number, starting from 1.

After this program reads in all of the *.med files, it writes out *.stats files which follow the naming convention: 28.0.Im3.fits.R1.stats and has
    the following format: (the top row is in the actual data file, as a comment (#) to help remember what the entries mean)
#1+PNe (wPNe)
#0PNe (woPNe)
#Random (rand)
#Delta(1-R) (Dw)
#Delta(0-R) (Dwo)
#Delta(1-0) (Dwwo)
Sigma Sigma Sigma Sigma
Kurtosis Kurtosis Kurtosis Kurtosis Kurtosis
Median Median Median Median Median
Lower Quartile
Lower Quartile Lower Quartile Lower Quartile Lower Quartile Lower Quartile
Upper Quartile
Upper Quartile Upper Quartile Upper Quartile Upper Quartile Upper Quartile

Finally, the program generates those plots that we've spent so much time staring at, with the 6 sub-plots, error bars, Medians and Deltas as
    functions of range, that so nicely sum everything up. These plots are named and also converted to gif files as The values from the above table (data file) are used in plotting up the data, somewhat obviously.

The program ends by copying these new *.gif files to ~/Virgo/Web/PNe28/ folder and /astroweb_data/web/steven/PNe28/.

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Results of Real Data Analysis:

Click here for the separate PNe28 page for individual graphs

Click here to see the comparison graphs at the end between the Real method and the Theoretical method.

Do you like graphs? Want to make some more? Check out the Re-graphing page.

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Generation of and Analysis on Theoretical Data:
We now endeavour to simulate PN positional data to analyse identically as above to determine what sort of results to expect. In
    /packmule_raid/steven/PNe8alpha8/ there are programs which generate theoretical catalots of PN positional data. These programs are and

Both of those programs are available for downlad:
In, there was a very recent modification made to write out data 1 column at a time as the image was scanned, in order to
    distribute the job across the cluster and actually finish it (without the memory getting very upset). Most of the fields were not done this way,
    but 7 and Sub were, as they were the largest. is rather old and clunky... I wrote it earlier in the summer before I knew how to make variable names contain variables in them... So,
    rather than one set of commands to subsample/contaminate, there are 7 nearly identical ones except with slight changes for each field. I might
    re-write it soon, if there is time this summer. is a program that generates a massive catalog of PN positions (~1+ million for most fields) based on their assumed correlation
    with light. Using the "MM" mask, comprised of the bright star hand mask and the SExtractor/Monte Carlo mask, PN positions are correlated
    with light.

Smoothing on the input image is set by the vector ranges in the beginning of the code. Before it was realise how excruciatingly long this code takes
    to run, it was thought that it would be feasible to run multiple smoothing sizes or images in the same realisation. It is not, but the vector set up still
    remains for many of the running parameters. Thus, for 9x9 smoothing (as desired), simply use: set ranges = { 4 }. If you have a fast computer
    (or a lot of patience) and want to run multiple smoothing sizes in the same program, add more to the vector, but it is unwise.

The alpha_2.5 parameter is set in the beginning of the code. In fact, this is NOT THE SAME ALPHA_2.5 AS THE PN PAPERS TALK ABOUT!!!
    This parameter is what we use to correlate light with PN, and is set at a "high" value of 100 000 x 10^-9 (whereas if we were talking about the "real"
    alpha_2.5, a normal value would be 23 x 10^-9). This value is large so that the catalog contains a substantially high number of PNe so that when we
    subsample it down (later) to match the observations, the subsamples still have appropriate distributions.

Fields are selected as before by the set images = { 7mm.fits } statement. Again, it is probably unwise to put more than one image in there. Also, all
    images should have the "mm" extension on them, and there is no distinction at this point between "masked" and "unmasked" fields - each field only
    needs to be run once.

The guts of the program loop over every pixel in the image (that can have a 9x9 box put around it and still be in the image), do the median smoothing,
    convert that median into a "number of PNe" for that pixel (using the pretend alpha parameter and flux --> bolometric luminosity conversion). This
    "number" will be greater than 0 and likely not very large (say, less than 20 or 30). The program takes the decimal part of that number and treats it as
    a probability, drawing a random number and checking if the decimal part is larger than it, and if it is, then the "number" gets rounded up, and that is
    the number of PNe that go into the catalog at that pixel.
       Example: Say a pixel had a value of 3.1 after the conversions and alpha were applied. Program draws a random number (say, 0.331) and compares
          it with the decimal part (0.1). As 0.1 !> 0.331, there are 3 PNe here. If the random number had been less than the decimal part, there would have
          been 4 PNe here. This position is written into the catalog 3 times, and the program moves on to the next pixel.
    Slight modification of late: for fields 7 and Sub, the code was modified (as mentioned above) to write out the PN positions for each row in the image.
       This allowed it to be distributed over the cluster and other computers and also prevented memory from getting upset when you keep working with
       vectors that are millions of entries long. It outputted as many data files as there were rows in the image, and I concatenated them all into a big file
       manually, named with the same convention as the others.

The positions are written out at the end of the program, into a file called 8.PNe.3.fits.R4.alpha25100000.RADEC.dat [RA DEC] where R4 means
    smoothing range of 4, or smoothing on 9x9 pixels.

Fields and number of theoretical PNe generated in the master catalog
850,978 146,918 3,863,629 1,783,837 5,159,820 531,963 1,007,518

The story doesn't end here, though, as a catalog of 1+ million PNe is not exactly what the analysis code wants to see (or what reality is). Next up we use
    a program called to subsample this massive catalog down to match the observations. reads in the big *RADEC.dat files from each field and also adds contamination or changes the catalog size, if that is set:
    To set contamination levels, the vector cs is used - the numbers 0 - 10 are varying contamination from 0% to 100%. Typically we have been using a
        statement like: set cs = 0, 10, 2 to do contamination fractions of 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%.
    To change the catalog size, it is done in terms of the proportion of the observed number. If proportion is set at 100, then that means that the new catalog
        will be100% of the size of the observed catalog. This has typically been set by set ps = {10 50 100 200 300 500}, for catalogs of 10%, 50%, 100%, 200%, 300%
       and 500% of the observed catalogs.

20 separate catalogs are generated by this program, in accordance with there being traditionally 20 trials of the analysis code run. This is set in the line:
    do itn = 1, 20 {, which runs everything in the program 20 times, storing the results from each one in a different catalog file.

These catalog files are written out in pairs, one for the Aguerri fields and one for the Feldmeier fields (remember the overlap problem) in files:
    PNeFAKE8.f.1.R4.C0.P100.dat / PNeFAKE8.a.1.R4.C0.P100.dat
    f/a - Feldmeier/Aguerri
    1 - realisation of catalog, 1-20, corresponds with 1-20 trials in the analysis
    R4 - smoothing range on theoretical data generation (R4 = 9x9 smoothing)
    C0 - contamination fraction (C0 = 0%, C10 = 100%)
    P100 - proportion of observed catalog simulated (P100 = 100%, P10 = 10%, P500 = 500%)

Code for download: and

In the final result, this analysis is stored in to folder /packmule_raid/steven/PNe26/. The file in here is very similar (intentionally so) to the file
    used in the above analysis on the Real Data. The only difference is the input data file - this version reads in the PNeFAKE8.*.dat file pairs instead of the single
    pair of real data from Feldmeier/Aguerri.

For each trial (1-20, traditionally) of this analysis, a different subsampled version of the big catalog is used. This is done to allow this version to get better error bars
    and more representative results. If only a single catalog is subsampled, the "cosmic variance" can be very damaging to the results. However, I suppose if we wanted
    to be really careful, we could generate a different catalog for each statistics box range within each trial? Or even a new subsampled catalog everytime we needed one
    and never save any of them? (Sounding like our "new" way to generate theoretical data and do stats... see PNe27 if you're interested.) in this version is essentially identical to the above version (with the exception of copying files to PNe26 folder instead of PNe28) and so it is not discussed.

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Results of Theoretical Data Analysis:
Well, these results are extremely copious in nature (as there are 6 contamination levels and 6 proportion levels to run (36 combinations)). To see all the graphs (in their
    gorrrrrry detail) click here to go to the PNe26 page.

Comparing these two methods:

To see how the various theoretical data generation results compare to the real data, the two are overplotted, in different colours. Shown are some example graphs of both
    versions plotted together. If you like them, you can make them again (and any other graph you desire) by going to the re-graphing page.

[still need to make these graphs once code has run enough]

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