Variable levels of smoothing on
theoretical data generation for Field 7
Using the normal theoretical data generation program, the alpha
parameter was cranked up to 100 e-9 so that we'd get enough PNe to see
the distribution.
Smoothing levels were set at: 3x3, 5x5, 7x7, 9x9, 11x11, 13x13,
15x15, 17x17
Only Field 7 was used to save time.
Field 7 is 1500x1500 pixels. The largest box, 17x17, is about 1.1% as
wide as the image
Collecting pixels around each theoretical PN (like we did before, to
"see" the PNe in our real data), we get small 40x40 pixel boxes that
are co-added together. For each degree of smoothing, these co-added results have been generated 3x3, 5x5,
7x7, 9x9,
11x11, 13x13,
15x15, 21x21,
31x31, 41x41, 51x51, 61x61
[there are 4000 - 6000 images co-added in each of these]