PNe8 - New box-selection methods!
Select random boxes. For the 1+ PNe, make sure random boxes have at
least 1 PNe in them, otherwise select a new box.
For 0 PNe, make sure randoms have 0 PNe in them, or throw them out.
For Randoms, just pick random boxes.
Big difference in this method: PNe no longer have to be centered in the
boxes for 1+ PNe detected. In previous methods, our 1 PNe selections
were centered on each
PNe. Now, they just contain 1+ PNe, anywhere in the box.
In this iteration, we used the same number of boxes for each field as
there are (detected) PNe in it (from the PNe catalog from Feldmeier
& Okamura). For the fields, the # of PNe (and therefore also the
number of boxes selected) are:
Field 3 : 75 PNe
Field 4 : 11 PNe
Field 7 : 81 PNe
Field Sub : 34 PNe
Field Core: 108 PNe
Field FCJ: 38 PNe
Field LPC: 14 PNe (only 5 are in unmasked areas)
There are options in this code: If PNe.param file is set properly,
there CAN be mandated spacing of boxes. In this iteration, we allow
boxes to overlap and have no restrictions
There is also a limitation so that if random boxes canNOT be found with
1+ or 0 PNe in them, the program will only make a predefined number of
attempts to find them. This limit of attempts is set to be 10,000 times
the number of PNe in the field and has never been met in any iterations
ERROR BARS on these plots come from the distributions of whatever it is
being plotted. That means for Deltas, the error bars are from the sigma
and quartiles found across Delta values in various trials of the
program, not some quadrature or otherwise addition of error.
(skip to results)
Code --> - PNe - initialises some variables, sets up loops, figures out how many boxes to use [# of PNe in
field], calls other programs to run
PNew - preps
fits data, reads in PNe catalog, preps vectors to store pixels
PNe1 - looks for boxes until it's found
enough to meet the requirement:
pick a random location
/ convert x,y to RA,DEC
find distance to all PNe
/ see if any are close enough
make sure box isn't
overlapping any other boxes, if applicable
save coordinates / concatenate pixels
make sure we're not
stuck in a loop without getting results
write out coordinates
of selected boxes to [ex] 8.1.Im3.fits.R10.wfound.dat, where 1 is
iteration #
PNe0 - basically same ideas
as PNe1, just set to find boxes with NO PNe, instead of 1+ [thus it's
not linked to as heavily, peruse at will]
finds random boxes with 0
PNe in them
collects unmasked pixels from those boxes
saves coordinates to 8.1.Im3.fits.R10.0found.dat
PNer - just picks
random boxes
collects unmasked pixels from those boxes
saves coordinates to 8.1.Im3.fits.R10.Rfound.dat
PNeg - graphs histograms of
found pixels
saves median values of each method as
postscript file: of
the histograms graph - PNeError - makes loops and runs for selected
images/ranges, runs other programs
PNeErrorc - reads in median values from *.med
files and calculates statistics
on them
writes statistics out to
8.0.Im3.fits.R10.stats files (0 just means it's for all iterations)
PNeErrorg - does graphing
uses vectors set by PNeErrorc to
graph average median values for each selection method as well as sigma and upper/lower quartile error bars
saves file
qc -
converts .ps to .gif
copies .gif files to website and
Virgo/Web/ folder
Perhaps these (1+ PNe) should be converging with the previous method (link to PNe7) at small box
sizes? Maybe MC the error bars on this method by sub-sampling the
PNe catalog/selections? Look into this at some point in the
Quick links to fields:
Curious about that spike at small box sizes? Check out pixel intensity histograms for more info.

Curious about that spike at small box sizes? Check out pixel intensity histograms for more info.

Curious about that spike at small box sizes? Check out pixel intensity histograms for more info.

Curious about that spike at small box sizes? Check out pixel intensity histograms for more info.

[10 PNe were used]
Or, a more complete view (manually entered positions - the red ring
represents the PN who's given Dec was 11:05:10.42 but I changed to
12:05:10.42 just to see where it fell in the image - the original data
was NOT altered)
[circles are larger too] [ there are two more PNe off this
view, and actually not in our field, to the right of this image ]

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