Astr 328 Mar 31, 2003: WMAP results  

WMAP release: the age of "precision cosmology"

First peak nailed, second constrained

How the CBR data has evolved and improved

Effect of spatial curvature on power spectrum

We live in a flat universe

But we need dark energy to make it work

Scorecard: first peak tells us the universe is spatially flat

The second peak

Baryons and Inertia


Baryons in the power spectrum

Dark baryons

Scorecard: flatness and baryon density

Polarization of the CMB

Hu on polarization

Polarization by scattering

What should we expect to see?

TT and TE power spectra

Wayne Hu's "Layman's summary" of WMAP results

The real surprise: constraints on reionization

First generation of massive stars

Occurred in first few 100 million years (?!)

Low-redshift constraints on first stars?