Baryons in the Power Spectrum
Key Concepts:
Power spectrum shows baryons enhance every
other peak.
Second peak is suppressed compared
with the first and third
Additional effects on the peak position and damping
yield consistency checks
When we do the full calculation of the power
spectrum, the basic physics of a mass
on the spring appears as advertised.
The odd numbered
acoustic peaks in the power spectrum are enhanced in amplitude over the
ones as we increase the baryon density
of the universe.

Cosmologists label the baryon density in terms of its fraction of the critical
density Wbtimes the Hubble constant
squared (in units of 100 km/s/Mpc) to get something proportional to the
physical density of the baryons.]
There are two other related effects due to the baryons:
since adding mass to a spring slows the oscillation
down, adding baryons to the plasma decrease the frequency of the oscillations
pushing the position of the peaks to slightly
higher multipoles l.
Baryons also affect the way the sound waves damp
and hence how the power spectrum falls off
at high multipole moment lor small
angular scales as we will see later.
The many ways that baryons show up in the power spectrum
imply that the power spectrum has many independent
checks on the baryon density of the universe.
The baryon density is a quantity that the CMB can measure to exquisite