Astr 328 April 9, 2003: Growth of perturbations in an expanding universe  

Growth of overdensities in static and expanding cases

When does the universe diverge from Omega = 1 behaviour?

Structure formation in a baryon-only universe

Tough ...........

Growth for Omega_lambda = 0

What if Lambda is nonzero?

Growth for Omega_lambda nonzero

Growth in really early times when universe was radiation dominated

Growth before recombination when photons and baryons coupled

Diffusion and the CBR damping tail

Wayne Hu on diffusion damping (1)

Wayne Hu on diffusion damping (2)

Wayne Hu on diffusion damping (3)

Wayne Hu on diffusion damping (4)

More on diffusion

The Silk mass

Top-down structure formation

Lovely but incorrect

Evidence against top-down picture

How do we decouple matter and radiation?