Damping Ruler
Key Concepts:
The damping scale
provides another standard ruler
for the curvature
The physical scale of the damping depends on the
density through the mean
free path
And the matter density
through the time available
for the photons to random walk.
If we can calibrate the distance CMB photons random
walk during recombination, we have another standard
ruler for the angular diameter distance test
of the spatial curvature
of the universe. Remember that we measure its angular scale in the
power spectrum itself.
Alternatively, if we know the curvature of the universe
we can infer the physical distance
the photons travel. In the standard model, the physical distance
depends only on the baryon density and the dark matter density (matter-radiation
ratio). Since all three (curvature, baryons density and matter radiation)
are measured by the positions and heights of the peaks themselves, the
damping tail provides a beautiful consistency
test for the standard model.
Let's see how that works.
Microphysically, the distance photons can travel
is related to a random walk
process. Remember that the photons have a certain
mean free path in the baryons defined as the
average distance the photon travels before Thomson scattering off a free
Raising the number of
decreases the mean free path and hence shortens
the distance photons can travel at recombination.
Finally the full distance also depends on the amount of time the photons
have to random walk and hence the age of the
universe at recombination. Remember
that the age is determined by the dark matter density. Mathematically,
the length is roughly the geometric mean of the mean free path and the
distance light can travel without obstruction (the horizon scale).