Damping Consistency Tests
Key Concepts:
Raising the baryon density
the damping tail to higher multipoles
Raising the matter density
shifts the damping tail to lower multipoles
Consistency checks from the damping tail will verify
or falsify our assumptions about recombination
and initial conditions.
Increasing the baryon
density, makes the photon-baryon fluid more
tightly coupled at recombination and hence shifts the damping tail to smaller
angular scales or higher multipole moments l:
Increasing the matter
density increases the relative age of the
universe at recombination and hence increases the angular scale of the
damping (lower multipoles):
Finally, we have seen that the angular scale of the damping tail moves
with the curvature of the universe, just like the position of the peaks.
In the standard cosmological model, that the damping tail is sensitive
to all three parameters means that there is a set of consistency
tests with which to check the measurements of the curvature, baryon
density and matter density from the lower peaks.
Consistency checks are great in that they will check the assumptions underlying
our standard model. In particular, the damping tail will be able
to check our assumptions that the universe did indeed recombine
as we think it did and that the inference on the curvature of the universe
is immune to any abiguity in how the acoustic oscillations formed, i.e.
the assumption of inflationary initial conditions.
Failure of the consistency tests would be even more exciting than verification!