Large-Scale Anisotropy
Key Concepts:
COBE showed that the CMB temperature varied at a
level of 1 part in 100,000
Variations are consistent with begin the quantum
noise from inflation that formed structure
through gravitational instability
If we remove the dipole and turn up the contrast
on the previous map to the level of one part
in 100,000, the COBE maps reveal:
Again, ignore the pattern around the equator as that
is our own galaxy.
If you've never seen this map before, I'm sure your
natural reaction is "Um, well it looks like noise
to me".
Well actually that is
exactly what it is.
But not in the bad sense. We believe that we
are seeing the direct result of random quantum
noise in the early universe. We
think that a rapid period of expansion took these seed fluctuations in
the density of matter in the universe and brought them to cosmic scales.
The fluctuations that COBE sees are of exactly the right order of magnitude
to have all of large-scale structure in the universe to have grown from
them by gravitational attraction. We call the process of gravitational
attraction accreting matter around small seed fluctuations to form ever
larger structures the gravitational instability
model of structure formation in the universe.
Anyway the bottom line is: sure its noise but it's
interesting noise.