April Fools Day - 2008

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Professor "MOND" Bidelman
"Dark matter, Schmark matter. Stars are more interesting than galaxies anyway"

Professor "Space Donkey" Mihos
He has only one thing to say about dark matter, or about anything else -
Professor "MACHO" Morrison
She's tough to the finish, 'cause she eats her Vegemite (yuck!), she's MACHO the department chair! TOOT TOOT!

Professor "Brown Dwarf" Luck
He stealthily romps around the universe, grumpy at the fact that he couldn't be a real star.

Agnes "Black Hole" Torontali
Like black holes in galaxies, her sway extends well beyond her direct effects, and nearly all aspects of the department seem to be influenced by her.

Charley "Quark Nuggets" Knox
Pick up a value-meal today for all your computer needs!

Doctor "WIMP" Harding
Despite his unfortunate nickname, he's living proof that not all Australians are wimpy.

Professor "Hot Jupiter" Zehavi
It's a star! It's a planet! No, it's a Hot Jupiter!

Santiago "Hot Gas" Patiri
The name says it all, folks.

Jeff "Neutrino" Kriessler
Streaming through the department at nearly the speed of light, he's busy washing out small-scale mass perturbations

"Dark matter" cupcakes and cookies

Fritz sums up the theme:

In the classroom - The Greater Tractor
In the coffee room...
... all over the department...
Some of the preparations: