April Fools Day - 2007

The Day (see also The Preparation)

(click for full version of images)

Dr. William Bidelman (a.k.a. The Moon)

Noted for his continuing efforts to elevate The Moon to full planetary status.

Professor Chris Mihos (a.k.a Mars), God of War - and donkeys

He lives for making war on students by subjecting them to his asinine teaching methods. Early astronomers suspected the presence of intelligent life, but we now know better.

Professor Heather Morrison, (a.k.a. Jupiter) King (Queen) of the Astronomy Department. Her despotic method of rule, learned from her days on the Australian Outback, has led her to gravitationally dominate the other Gods of both the Solar System and the Astronomy Department.

Professor Earle Luck, (a.k.a. Saturn) Father of the Gods - and devourer of children

He formerly ruled the Astronomy Department with an iron fist, but after mistakenly devouring a meteorite instead of a student, rule of the roost has passed to Jupiter.

Charley Knox the Great (a.k.a. Uranus), God of the Heavens - and the Digital Computing Machines

Charley is the favorite God among students of the Astronomy Department because he never gives them a failing grade. He is also noted for having some quite peculiar (orbital) properties.

Dr. Paul Harding (a.k.a. Neptune) God of the Sea - and Down Under

Answerable only to Jupiter, he disdains the students as mere mortals. Using his seafaring prowess, he is working to corner the market on overseas Vegemite shipping in the outer solar system - among other stuff.

Professor Idit Zehavi (a.k.a. Venus), Goddess of Love and Beauty

Beyond her exterior beauty there lies a scorching hot atmosphere of sulfurous fumes fueled by rampant acidic volcanoes. Students beware.

Jeff Kriessler (a.k.a. Mercury), Messenger of the Gods

He is diligent in his efforts to convey the Astronomical message of the Gods to the student masses. There are reports, however, of several students being burned by his fiery chariot.

Jack (a.k.a. Pluto) is the Dog of the Gods, and a God among Dogs.

Kuippy Kakes:

"Kupier Kakes Welcome Pluto"
Pluto cake!

Pluto cake and Kuippy Kakes!

Decorated whiteboard in coffee room:

"Welcome Pluto, the King of the Comets"
More of the whiteboard:
Creepy thing!

Angry planets

Hanging the Pluto pinata (1)

Hanging the Pluto pinata (2)

Pluto - ready to be executed

Everyone preparing to beat Pluto to death
Rachel blindfolds Jupiter
Jupiter takes a swing...

[a still from the video]
...and a miss...

[a still from the video]
...but not this time!

[a still from the video]
Uranus gives Pluto a kick

[a still from the video]

.MOV videos

Prof. Morrison conquers the Pluto pinata

Charley brutally kicks the fallen ex-planet

.GIF versions?

Everybody post-execution

Picking up the candy

In the coffee room, eating Kuippy Cakes, Snow-Cones, Pluto Cake, and Pluto Candy

The Preparation (see also The Day)

(click for full version of images)
The planet-making preparation begins in the classroom...

And the coffee room is paper mache headquarters:
Craig is a Real Scientist in that coat and gloves
Continuing planetary work...

The planets are coming along...
Cutting the planets out:
Chaos in the classroom!
Yay pizza!
Meredith and Rachel working on the Kuipey Kakes
Meredith has a mixer in her office!!!
Paper mache Pluto
Laura adds arms to the Moon
Kuippy Kakes are almost done!
Making the mean planets who want to beat up Pluto

Mean planets

Mean planets!

Everyone looks tired from all this hard work!
Cleaning up paper mache and starting on the white board
Rachel working on her masterpiece
Ross with... that strange creation
Craig and Ross affixing it

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