M87 - big image
Same procedure as before, except using larger image of M87, without the
bottom left corner cropped.
After: [this one is used now!]
In this, we call the new big image B.fits, for ease of repeated typing.
First, we prepare the total mask (BTM.pl) as before. It is composed of:
final star mask
hand mask
obj mask
UN mask to keep the center in the image
Smoothing and subtracting we get: [Br38s.fits]
OBJmask this: [Br38sP1.pl on B.fits]
Now, for completeness, here is the hand mask and the final star mask,
And here is the initial total mask (with the UNmask on the center,
too): [BTM.pl]
This is what gets fed into ellipse
! Here are the results:
tdump B.dat cdfile = B.c.dat pfile = B.h.dat datafil = B.d.dat
Compare this to previous results: BLUE
- New GREEN - Old
[old is with small/incomplete M87 image, new is with full image]
^^ oops, ignore this
graph ^^
When we generate that fit, and subtract it from the original image:
[B.fits - Bm2.fits = Bm2s.fits]
and binning it 7x7: [Bms77.fits]
Taking closer looks at this, we overlay some ellipses on it. We are
looking at the outermost limit for each fitting method.
These super big SMA ellipses were not good fits. The red/magenta
ellipses are from the last 'good' fit generated by ellipse
- New Limit
- Old Limit
log(r) = 3.5, 3, 2.5, 2
Good fits: Red - Old Limit Magenta - New Limit
...zoom in some...
- New Limit
- Old Limit
log(r) = 3.5, 3, 2.5, 2
fits: Red - Old
Magenta - New Limit
...zoom in more.
- New Limit
- Old Limit
log(r) = 3.5, 3, 2.5, 2
fits: Red - Old
Magenta - New Limit
Zooming in more, and adding an ellipse around the radius that the PA
has that weird feature:
...keep zooming in
Or, looking at this central area on the masked (but unsubtracted) image: