Primary-Masks (Ring-Median) on ORIGINAL Images

RSCore P-mask on Core.fits
blksize -5, hsigma 2

RSSub P-mask on Sub.fits
blksize -5, hsigma 2

RSLPC P-mask on LPC.fits
blksize -5, hsigma 2

RSFCJ P-mask on FCJ.fits
blksize -5, hsigma 2

RS1 P-mask on 1.fits
blksize -5, hsigma 2

RS3 P-mask on 3.fits
blksize -5, hsigma 2
RS4 P-mask on 4.fits
blksize -5, hsigma 2

RS7 P-mask on 7.fits
blksize -5, hsigma 2
RSDurrell P-mask on Durrell.fits
blksize -5, hsigma 2
Fitting Errors occured while attempting to process OBJmask on the Durrell Region