#latest, v.7 will allow user to select which methods
to space boxes apart
# in the file PNe.param
#v.7 also reads in i.i to establish itn, iteration,
and will do many of
# them, to establish error bars
#v.7 also scrambles PNe catalog order before using
them in On(e)PNe and
# TwoPNe methods, so as to make
the selection of pairs/non-overlapping
# individuals totally random
#this version (7) runs a COMPLETE iteration each
time it's called, i.e. on each
# node. goes through every imO and
raO, then stops
#latest, v.6 will mandate that 0PNe boxes are a
half-box-width apart, too
#this version implements a new 2+ PNe selection
technique and makes sure
# they're spaced apart!
##generates 4 histograms:
## 1) N/I pixels for boxes with 2 or more PNe in
them, randomly selected
## 2) N/I pixels for boxes around PNe
## 3) N/I pixels for boxes WITHOUT PNe in them
## 4) N/I pixels for totally randomly selected boxes
#read in PNe datafile
data PNe.dat
read { field 1.s num 2 RAh 3 RAm 4 RAs 5 DECd 6
DECam 7 DECas 8 m5007 9 notes 10.s }
#read version file to figure out
what pre-fix number everything gets
data v.v
read { vnum 1 }
define v $(vnum[0])
#read iteration file to figure out
the other pre-fix number
data i.i
read { inum 1 }
define itn $(inum[0])
#advance the iteration number for the next instance
of this program
!rm i.i
write i.i $($itn + 1)
#set imO = { 3.fits 3m.fits
4.fits 4m.fits 7.fits 7m.fits Sub.fits Subm.fits }
#set raO = { 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 }
#temp for testing
set imO = { Core.fits Corem.fits FCJ.fits FCJm.fits }
# set imO = { 4.fits 4.fits }
set raO = { 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 20 25 30 35 40 45
50 55 60 }
#read in whether or not to use spacing for boxes
data PNe.param
read {SZ 1 SO 2 ST 3 SR 4}
define SpaceZero $(SZ[0])
define SpaceOne $(SO[0])
define SpaceTwo $(ST[0])
define SpaceRand $(SR[0])
#big loops for images and ranges
foreach rang raO {
foreach imag imO {
file_type fits
image $imag
#run everything!
#run 1 box on
each PNe
#run 2 PNe/box
#run 0 PNe/box
(with #1PNe/#2PNe)
#run totally
random (with #1PNe/#2PNe)
#run grapher
#end of images loop
#end of ranges loop
#this does the real work and is called by PNe, which
is just loops
#define as fits and read in important header info
#x-axis length
define NAXIS1 image
#y-axis length
define NAXIS2 image
#0 point in RA/DEC
define CRVAL1 image
define CRVAL2 image
#0 point in image x/y
define CRPIX1 image
define CRPIX2 image
#pixel scale in dRA/dx and dDEC/dy
define CD1_1 image
define CD2_2 image
#prep for graphing inline
set bins = -5, 100, 0.5
# #done at top now
# #read in PNe datafile
# data PNe.dat
# read { field 1.s num 2 RAh 3 RAm 4 RAs 5 DECd 6
DECam 7 DECas 8 m5007 9 notes 10.s }
#set RA/DEC both in degrees and
range, too.
set DEC = DECd + (DECam/60) + (DECas/3600)
set RA = 15 * (RAh + (RAm/60) + (RAs/3600))
define rangeRD (($rang)*ABS($CD1_1))
#^these conversions are checked and good. duh.^#
#randomise RA/DEC for use in this iteration
#set scram = RANDOM($(DIMEN(RA)))
#sort {scram RA DEC}
set DIMEN(onPNe) = 0
set DIMEN(offPNe1) = 0
set DIMEN(offPNe2) = 0
set DIMEN(rand1) = 0
set DIMEN(rand2) = 0
set DIMEN(xkeepo) = 1
set DIMEN(ykeepo) = 1
define reals 0
define num 0
#(second histogram, done first)
#second: place box on each PNe and calculate average
light in it
#file to save box coordinates in and compare to later
define on "$!v.$!itn.Im$!imag.R$!rang.1found.dat"
!rm $on
define reals 0
do i = 0, $($(DIMEN(RA)-1)), 1 {
#convert RA/DEC back to pixels
#(this is right)
define ry $(INT($CRPIX2 +
define rx $(INT($($CRPIX1 - 1 -
$($($(RA[$i] - $CRVAL1)*cosd($(DEC[$i])))/$(ABS($CD1_1))))))
#check to make sure PNe is inside
this image's bounds with room
to take a region around it
if ($rx < $NAXIS1-$rang
&& $rx > $rang && $ry < $NAXIS2-$rang &&
$ry > $rang) {
#if SpaceOne
== 1, DO check spacing, if SpaceOne == 0, do NOT check spacing
if ($SpaceOne
== 1) {
#check if too close to any other onPNe boxes
set delxon = $rx - xkeepo
set delyon = $ry - ykeepo
set counteron = ((abs(delxon)<=$($rang)) &&
} ELSE {
set counteron = {0}
($(sum(counteron)) == 0) {
#store these coords
set xkeepo = xkeepo concat $rx
set ykeepo = ykeepo concat $ry
#keep track of how many used for later
define reals $($reals + 1)
#collecting from a box around PNe 2*rang+1 x 2*rang+1
set dimen(statra)=$($(2*$rang+1)*$(2*$rang+1))
define idum 0
do x = -($rang), $rang {
do y = -($rang), $rang {
define idum $($idum+1)
#handles masked pixels
set statrafinal=statra if (statra>-900)
#concat this image onto the growing big file
set onPNe = onPNe concat statrafinal
#end of if no
other box centers in this box
#end of making sure PNe is inside
this image loop
#end of checking through catalog for PNe loop
#write out stored coords
#convert to RA/DEC first
set DECon = ((ykeepo - $CRPIX2 + 1)*$(ABS($CD2_2)) +
set RAon = ((-(xkeepo - $CRPIX1 + 1
))*(ABS($CD1_1)/cosd(DECon)) + $CRVAL1)
#header first
write $on "#RA_coord
DEC_coord range(px)"
do wrtro = 1, $(DIMEN(RAon)-1) {
write $on
"$!(RAon[$!wrtro]) $!(DECon[$!wrtro]) $!rang"
echo 25% - did box on each PNe
#'first' part is done second
#first part: find all possible boxes, eliminate
those too close together if SpaceTwo == 1
set DIMEN(twoPNe) = 0
define num 0
set DIMEN(RAkeep) = $($reals+1)
set DIMEN(DECkeep) = $($reals+1)
#variable to keep track of how many boxes found with
2+ PNe
define nb 0
#file to save box coordinates in and compare to later
define g "$!v.$!itn.Im$!imag.R$!rang.2found.dat"
!rm $g
#figure out how many distances will be calculated
define N $(DIMEN(RA))
define tot 0
do i = 1,$N {
define tot $($tot + $i)
echo distances to be calculated: $tot
#prep for data
set DIMEN(xbox)=$tot
set DIMEN(ybox)=$tot
#start by IDing all PNe separated by < 2*range + 1
#set up 2 loops to get distances between all PNe in
catalog table6.dat
do L1 = 0, $(DIMEN(RA)-1) {
do L2 = $($L1 + 1),
$(DIMEN(RA)-1) {
coordinates of PN #L1 and PN #L2 into x & y
#note, don't
have to be INT values
define yL1
$(($CRPIX2 + ($($(DEC[$L1])-$CRVAL2)/$(ABS($CD2_2)))))
define xL1
$(($($CRPIX1 - 1 - $($($(RA[$L1] -
define yL2
$(($CRPIX2 + ($($(DEC[$L2])-$CRVAL2)/$(ABS($CD2_2)))))
define xL2
$(($($CRPIX1 - 1 - $($($(RA[$L2] -
#check to see
if both PNe L1 and L2 are in this field
if ($xL1 <
$NAXIS1-$rang && $xL1 > $rang && $yL1 <
$NAXIS2-$rang && $yL1 > $rang && $xL2 <
$NAXIS1-$rang && $xL2 > $rang && $yL2 <
$NAXIS2-$rang && $yL2 > $rang) {
#check if distance between PN #L1 and PN #L2 is < 2*range+1
if ($(abs($yL1 - $yL2)) < $(2*$rang+1) && $(abs($xL1 -
$xL2)) < $(2*$rang+1)) {
#if SpaceTwo == 1, DO check spacing, if
SpaceTwo == 0, do NOT check spacing
if ($SpaceTwo == 1) {
#check if any other boxes
are too close to this one
set delx = $($($xL1 +
$xL2)/2) - xbox
set dely = $($($yL1 +
$yL2)/2) - ybox
set counterr =
((abs(delx)<=$($rang)) && (abs(dely)<=$($rang)))?1:0
} ELSE {
set counterr = {0}
if ($(sum(counterr)) == 0) {
#--> found a close PN
pair in this image!
#: store coords,
iterate nb
#make a box halfway between
set xbox[$nb] = $($($xL1 +
set ybox[$nb] = $($($yL1 +
#store values of light in
this region
define idum 0
do x = -($rang), $rang {
do y =
-($rang), $rang {
define idum $($idum+1)
#handles masked pixels
statrafinal=statra if (statra>-900)
#concat this image to the
growing big file
set twoPNe = twoPNe concat
#iterate nb
define nb $($nb + 1)
#end of if too close to another box loop
#end if distance < whatever loop
#end if both
PNe are in this field loop
#end looping through 2nd PN loop
#end looping through 1st PN loop
#output these box coords to file
#header first
write $g "#RA_coord
DEC_coord range(px)"
#get xbox and ybox into RAbox and DECbox
set DECbox = ((ybox - $CRPIX2 + 1)*$(ABS($CD2_2)) +
set RAbox = ((-(xbox - $CRPIX1 + 1
))*(ABS($CD1_1)/cosd(DECbox)) + $CRVAL1)
#figure out what x,y = 0,0 is in RA/DEC
define DECzero $($(0 - $CRPIX2 + 1)*$(ABS($CD2_2)) +
define RAzero $($(-(0 - $CRPIX1 + 1
))*(ABS($CD1_1)/cosd($DECzero)) + $CRVAL1)
#write out coords that are not x,y = 0,0, but write
do wrtr = 0, $($tot-1) {
if ($(RAbox[$wrtr]) != $RAzero
&& $(DECbox[$wrtr]) != $DECzero) {
#do the write
write $g
"$!(RAbox[$!wrtr]) $!(DECbox[$!wrtr]) $!rang"
#end of checking through random boxes with 2+ PNe
echo 50% - did 2+ PNe/box WITH 'range'-spaced boxes
#third part: random boxes that have 0 PNe in them
AND (with v.6) are at least a half-box width (rang) away from any other
box with 0 PNe
# spaced
IFF SpaceZero == 1
#file to save box
coordinates in and compare to later
define h
set dimen(saveRAz) = $reals
set dimen(saveDECz) = $reals
define makesure 0
define num 0
while {$num < $reals} {
#generate random coordinates as before
define rx $(($(RANDOM(1))*($NAXIS1-(2*$rang)))+$rang)
define ry $(($(RANDOM(1))*($NAXIS2-(2*$rang)))+$rang)
#convert to RA/DEC
define rDEC (($ry - $CRPIX2 + 1)*$(ABS($CD2_2)) + $CRVAL2)
define rRA $($(-($rx - $CRPIX1 + 1 ))*$(ABS($CD1_1)/cosd($rDEC)) +
#looking for PNe in a box centered around the point that is 2*rang x
set delRA=$rRA-RA
set delDEC=$rDEC-DEC
set counter=( (abs(delRA)<=$rangeRD) &&
(abs(delDEC)<=$rangeRD) )? 1 : 0
if ($(sum(counter)) == 0) {
#check for SpaceZero
if ($SpaceZero == 1) {
#make sure no other boxes close to here
set delRA = $rRA - saveRAz
set delDEC = $rDEC - saveDECz
set counterp = ( (abs(delRA)<=$($rangeRD)) &&
(abs(delDEC)<=$rangeRD) )? 1 : 0
} ELSE {
set counterp = {0}
if ($(sum(counterp)) == 0) {
#now we have a box that contains 0 and is far enough from other boxes
set saveRAz[$num] = $rRA
set saveDECz[$num] = $rDEC
define num $($num + 1)
#collecting from a box around PNe 2*rang+1 x 2*rang+1
set dimen(statra)=$($(2*$rang+1)*$(2*$rang+1))
define idum 0
do x = -($rang), $rang {
do y = -($rang), $rang {
set statra[$idum]=$(image[$rx+$x,$ry+$y])
define idum $($idum+1)
#handles masked pixels
set statrafinal=statra if (statra>-900)
#concat this image onto the growing big file
set offPNe1 = offPNe1 concat statrafinal
#end of making sure no other boxes too close
} ELSE {
define makesure $($makesure + 1)
#end of if no PNe found
} ELSE {
define makesure $($makesure + 1)
#check to make sure it doesn't loop too long
if ($makesure > $($reals*1000)) {
echo Range = $rang is too big to get 0 PNe/box without overlap -
histogram will not be normalised
define numz $num
define num $reals
#end while $num < $reals
loop for overall 0 PNe loop
#write out data file
!rm $h
do w = 0,
$(dimen(saveRAz)-1) { write $h "$!(saveRAz[$!w])
$!(saveDECz[$!w]) $!rang" }
echo 75% - did 0 PNe/box
WITH optional spacing
#third part: random boxes that have 0 PNe in them
AND (with v.6) are at least a half-box width (rang) away from any other
box with 0 PNe
# spaced IFF SpaceZero == 1
#file to save box coordinates in and compare to later
define h "$!v.$!itn.Im$!imag.R$!rang.0found2.dat"
set dimen(saveRAz) = $nb
set dimen(saveDECz) = $nb
define makesure 0
define num 0
while {$num < $nb} {
#generate random coordinates as
define rx
define ry
#convert to RA/DEC
define rDEC (($ry - $CRPIX2
+ 1)*$(ABS($CD2_2)) + $CRVAL2)
define rRA $($(-($rx - $CRPIX1 +
1 ))*$(ABS($CD1_1)/cosd($rDEC)) + $CRVAL1)
#looking for PNe in a box
centered around the point that is 2*rang x 2*range
set delRA=$rRA-RA
set delDEC=$rDEC-DEC
set counter=(
(abs(delRA)<=$rangeRD) && (abs(delDEC)<=$rangeRD) )? 1 : 0
if ($(sum(counter)) == 0) {
#check for
if ($SpaceZero
== 1) {
#make sure no other boxes close to here
set delRA = $rRA - saveRAz
set delDEC = $rDEC - saveDECz
set counterp = ( (abs(delRA)<=$($rangeRD)) &&
(abs(delDEC)<=$rangeRD) )? 1 : 0
} ELSE {
set counterp = {0}
($(sum(counterp)) == 0) {
#now we have a box that contains 0 and is far enough from other
set saveRAz[$num] = $rRA
set saveDECz[$num] = $rDEC
define num $($num + 1)
#collecting from a box around PNe 2*rang+1 x 2*rang+1
set dimen(statra)=$($(2*$rang+1)*$(2*$rang+1))
define idum 0
do x = -($rang), $rang {
do y = -($rang), $rang {
define idum $($idum+1)
#handles masked pixels
set statrafinal=statra if (statra>-900)
#concat this image onto the growing big file
set offPNe2 = offPNe2 concat statrafinal
#end of making
sure no other boxes too close
} ELSE {
define makesure $($makesure + 1)
#end of if no PNe found
} ELSE {
makesure $($makesure + 1)
#check to make sure it doesn't
loop too long
if ($makesure >
$($reals*1000)) {
echo Range =
$rang is too big to get 0 PNe/box without overlap - histogram will not
be normalised
define numz
define num
#end while $num < $reals loop for overall 0 PNe
#write out data file
!rm $h
do w = 0, $(dimen(saveRAz)-1) { write $h
"$!(saveRAz[$!w]) $!(saveDECz[$!w]) $!rang" }
echo 75% - did 0 PNe/box WITH optional spacing
#fourth part: random boxes, spaced IFF SpaceRand == 1
#initialise storage vars/vects
set dimen(saveRAr) = $reals
set dimen(saveDECr) = $reals
#file to save box coordinates in and compare to later
define r "$!v.$!itn.Im$!imag.R$!rang.Rfound1.dat"
define numr 0
define makesurer 0
while {$numr < $reals} {
#generate random coordinates as
define rx
define ry
#convert to RA/DEC
define rDEC (($ry - $CRPIX2
+ 1)*$(ABS($CD2_2)) + $CRVAL2)
define rRA $($(-($rx - $CRPIX1 +
1 ))*$(ABS($CD1_1)/cosd($rDEC)) + $CRVAL1)
#check for SpaceRand
if ($SpaceRand == 1) {
#make sure no
other boxes close to here
set delRA =
$rRA - saveRAr
set delDEC =
$rDEC - saveDECr
set counterp =
( (abs(delRA)<=$($rangeRD)) && (abs(delDEC)<=$rangeRD) )?
1 : 0
} ELSE {
set counterp =
if ($(sum(counterp)) == 0) {
saveRAr[$numr] = $rRA
saveDECr[$numr] = $rDEC
define numr
$($numr + 1)
from a box around PNe 2*rang+1 x 2*rang+1
define idum 0
do x =
-($rang), $rang {
do y = -($rang), $rang {
set statra[$idum]=$(image[$rx+$x,$ry+$y])
define idum $($idum+1)
masked pixels
set statrafinal=statra if (statra>-900)
#concat this
image onto the growing big file
set rand1 =
rand1 concat statrafinal
#end of if sum == 0 loop
} ELSE {
makesurer $($makesurer + 1)
if ($makesurer >
$($reals*1000)) {
echo Range =
$rang is too big to get Random boxes without overlap - histogram will
not be normalised
define numrr
define numr
#end of checking through random boxes
#write data file out
!rm $r
do wr = 0, $(dimen(saveRAr)-1) { write $r
"$!(saveRAr[$!wr]) $!(saveDECr[$!wr]) $!rang" }
echo 95% - did random boxes
#fourth part: random boxes, spaced IFF SpaceRand == 1
#initialise storage vars/vects
set dimen(saveRAr) = $nb
set dimen(saveDECr) = $nb
#file to save box coordinates in and compare to later
define r "$!v.$!itn.Im$!imag.R$!rang.Rfound2.dat"
define numr 0
define makesurer 0
while {$numr < $nb} {
#generate random coordinates as
define rx
define ry
#convert to RA/DEC
define rDEC (($ry - $CRPIX2
+ 1)*$(ABS($CD2_2)) + $CRVAL2)
define rRA $($(-($rx - $CRPIX1 +
1 ))*$(ABS($CD1_1)/cosd($rDEC)) + $CRVAL1)
#check for SpaceRand
if ($SpaceRand == 1) {
#make sure no
other boxes close to here
set delRA =
$rRA - saveRAr
set delDEC =
$rDEC - saveDECr
set counterp =
( (abs(delRA)<=$($rangeRD)) && (abs(delDEC)<=$rangeRD) )?
1 : 0
} ELSE {
set counterp =
if ($(sum(counterp)) == 0) {
saveRAr[$numr] = $rRA
saveDECr[$numr] = $rDEC
define numr
$($numr + 1)
from a box around PNe 2*rang+1 x 2*rang+1
define idum 0
do x =
-($rang), $rang {
do y = -($rang), $rang {
set statra[$idum]=$(image[$rx+$x,$ry+$y])
define idum $($idum+1)
masked pixels
set statrafinal=statra if (statra>-900)
#concat this
image onto the growing big file
set rand2 =
rand2 concat statrafinal
#end of if sum == 0 loop
} ELSE {
makesurer $($makesurer + 1)
if ($makesurer >
$($reals*1000)) {
echo Range =
$rang is too big to get Random boxes without overlap - histogram will
not be normalised
define numrr
define numr
#end of checking through random boxes
#write data file out
!rm $r
do wr = 0, $(dimen(saveRAr)-1) { write $r
"$!(saveRAr[$!wr]) $!(saveDECr[$!wr]) $!rang" }
echo 95% - did random boxes
echo running PNeg to graph them
echo starting graphing
set onPNeH = histogram(onPNe:bins)
set offPNeH1 = histogram(offPNe1:bins)
set offPNeH2 = histogram(offPNe2:bins)
set randH1 = histogram(rand1:bins)
set randH2 = histogram(rand2:bins)
set twoPNeH = histogram(twoPNe:bins)
#eliminate spike at edge that only comes from tails
set onPNeH[$(DIMEN(onPNeH)-1)] =
set offPNeH1[$(DIMEN(offPNeH1)-1)] =
set offPNeH2[$(DIMEN(offPNeH2)-1)] =
set randH1[$(DIMEN(randH1)-1)] =
set randH2[$(DIMEN(randH2)-1)] =
set twoPNeH[$(DIMEN(twoPNeH)-1)] =
vecminmax twoPNeH twoMin twoMax
vecminmax randH1 randMin randMax
if ($twoMax > $randMax) {
define lmax $($($twoMax+5)*1.1)
} else {
define lmax $($($randMax+5)*1.1)
define onM 0
define offM1 0
define offM2 0
define randM1 0
define randM2 0
define twoM 0
define SIQR 0
# -do med calcs
stats_med onPNe onM SIQR
stats_med offPNe1 offM1 SIQR
stats_med offPNe2 offM2 SIQR
stats_med rand1 randM1 SIQR
stats_med rand2 randM2 SIQR
stats_med twoPNe twoM SIQR
#write out median data to file
write "$!v.$!itn.Im$!imag.R$!rang.med"
"$!imag $!rang
$!twoM $!onM
$!offM1 $!offM2
$!randM1 $!randM2 "
#modification to graph to .ps and onscreen both
#pretty much don't need graphs, only concerned with
median values (above)
do gopher = 1,2 {
if ($gopher == 2) {
postencap "$!v.$!itn.Im$!imag.R$!rang.ps"
echo making
.ps :
if ($gopher == 1) {
postencap "$!v.$!itn.Im$!imag.R$!rang.ps"
lim -5 100 0 $lmax
ctype black
ctype magenta
connect bins twoPNeH
relocate 55 $($lmax/1.05)
label magenta = 2+ PNe
relocate 55 $($lmax/2)
label med=$twoM
ctype red
connect bins onPNeH
relocate 55 $($lmax/1.05 -
label red = around PNe
relocate 55 $($lmax/2 - $lmax/30)
label med=$onM
ctype green
connect bins randH1
relocate 55 $($lmax/1.05 -
label green = random boxes
relocate 55 $($($lmax/2)-$lmax/15)
label med=$randM1
ctype blue
connect bins offPNeH1
relocate 55 $($lmax/1.05 -
label blue = away from PNe
relocate 55 $($($lmax/2)-$lmax/10)
label med=$offM1
ctype black
xlabel Counts in a pixel
ylabel N occurances
toplabel Image $imag
range $rang
echo done - $imag $rang: