#two part program
# -first to compute the values for the
values for the error bars
# -second to graph
# -the average values
for each image/range over all iterations
# -the error bars!!
#first set up vectors of all possibilities
set im = { 3.fits 3m.fits 4.fits 4m.fits 7.fits
7m.fits Sub.fits Subm.fits }
data v.v
read { vnum 1 }
define v $(vnum[0])
data i.i
read { inum 1 }
define itt $(inum[0])
set it = 1,$itt
#set ra = 10,60,5
set ra = { 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 20 25 30 35 40 45
50 55 60 }
#temp for testing
# set im = {3.fits}
# set ra = 10,60,5
#separate main runings, first by imagee
foreach imag im {
#prep vectors for graphing
set dimen(wGm) = 0
set dimen(wGs) = 0
set dimen(wGu) = 0
set dimen(wGl) = 0
set dimen(woGm) = 0
set dimen(woGs) = 0
set dimen(woGu) = 0
set dimen(woGl) = 0
set dimen(randGm) = 0
set dimen(randGs) = 0
set dimen(randGu) = 0
set dimen(randGl) = 0
set dimen(wMt) = 0
set dimen(woMt) = 0
set dimen(randMt) = 0
#add on for delta support
set dimen(DwGm) = 0
set dimen(DwGs) = 0
set dimen(DwGu) = 0
set dimen(DwGl) = 0
set dimen(DwoGm) = 0
set dimen(DwoGs) = 0
set dimen(DwoGu) = 0
set dimen(DwoGl) = 0
set dimen(DwwoGm) = 0
set dimen(DwwoGs) = 0
set dimen(DwwoGu) = 0
set dimen(DwwoGl) = 0
#next loop is by image
foreach rang ra {
computational program - it loops through ranges
#end of ranges loop
#call graphing program - now all
ranges for imag have been done
#don't ask why but it's happier
if you run it twice
#as time permits, leave the next
line un-commented-out
#end of images loop
echo converting to gifs/uploading to the web and
Virgo/Web folder...
echo done
#this program computes error bars for the PNe7 run,
based on .med files
# which should be labeled 7.#.Im3.fits.R10.med
# where # is iteration, 1 to ____
# 3.fits file name,
# R10 is range, 10 to 60, by 5s
# file will look like:
# write
"$!v.$!itn.Im$!imag.R$!rang.med" "$!imag
$!rang $!wM $!woM
$!randM "
set DIMEN(wMt)
= 0
DIMEN(woMt) = 0
DIMEN(randMt) = 0
loop is by iteration number
foreach itn it
#clear variables
set dimen(wMv) = 0
set dimen(woMv) = 0
set dimen(randMv) = 0
#read in data IF file exists
if (is_file($v.$itn.Im$imag.R$rang.med)) {
data $v.$itn.Im$imag.R$rang.med
read { imchk 1.s rachk 2 wMv 3
woMv 4 randMv 5 }
#store values in temp vectors
set wMt = wMt concat $(wMv[0])
set woMt = woMt concat $(woMv[0])
set randMt = randMt concat
#end of
iterations loop
iterations for one range/one image - stats time
deltas for this range
set Dw = wMt -
set Dwo = woMt
- randMt
set Dwwo = wMt
- woMt
#finding sigma:
stats wMt
wMean wSigma wK
stats woMt
woMean woSigma woK
stats randMt
randMean randSigma randK
stats Dw
DwMean DwSigma DwK
stats Dwo
DwoMean DwoSigma DwoK
stats Dwwo
DwwoMean DwwoSigma DwwoK
does not output quartiles so copy/do manually
sort {wMt}
define wMed
define wLQ
define wUQ
sort {woMt}
define woMed
define woLQ
define woUQ
sort {randMt}
define randMed
define randLQ
define randUQ
sort {Dw}
define DwMed
define DwLQ
define DwUQ
sort {Dwo}
define DwoMed
define DwoLQ
define DwoUQ
sort {Dwwo}
define DwwoMed
define DwwoLQ
define DwwoUQ
#write results
to data file
"$!v.0.Im$!imag.R$!rang.stats" "#wPNe woPNe rand Dw Dwo Dwoo - data
rows go: (1)Mean, (2)Sigma, (3)Kurtosis, (4)Median, (5)Lower Quartile,
(6)Upper Quartile"
"$!v.0.Im$!imag.R$!rang.stats" $wMean $woMean $randMean $DwMean
$DwoMean $DwwoMean
"$!v.0.Im$!imag.R$!rang.stats" $wSigma $woSigma $randSigma $DwSigma
$DwoSigma $DwwoSigma
"$!v.0.Im$!imag.R$!rang.stats" $wK $woK $randK $DwK $DwoK $DwwoK
"$!v.0.Im$!imag.R$!rang.stats" $wMed $woMed $randMed $DwMed $DwoMed
"$!v.0.Im$!imag.R$!rang.stats" $wLQ $woLQ $randLQ $DwLQ $DwoLQ $DwwoLQ
"$!v.0.Im$!imag.R$!rang.stats" $wUQ $woUQ $randUQ $DwUQ $DwoUQ $DwwoUQ
variables for graphing soon
set wGm = wGm
set wGs = wGs
CONCAT $wSigma
set wGu = wGu
set wGl = wGl
set woGm =
woGm CONCAT $woMean
set woGs =
woGs CONCAT $woSigma
set woGu =
set woGl =
set randGm =
randGm CONCAT $randMean
set randGs =
randGs CONCAT $randSigma
set randGu =
randGu CONCAT $randUQ
set randGl =
randGl CONCAT $randLQ
#add'l delta
set DwGm =
set DwGs =
DwGs CONCAT $DwSigma
set DwGu =
set DwGl =
set DwoGm =
DwoGm CONCAT $DwoMean
set DwoGs =
DwoGs CONCAT $DwoSigma
set DwoGu =
set DwoGl =
set DwwoGm =
DwwoGm CONCAT $DwwoMean
set DwwoGs =
DwwoGs CONCAT $DwwoSigma
set DwwoGu =
set DwwoGl =
expand 1.0001
define TeX_strings 1
#graphin' time (tm)
#this is run once for each image (3,3m,4,4m,etc)
#can now use vectors defined above in PNeErrorc to
graph things
#data in vectors is one row / range value, ranges
are 10-60, by 5s
#will graph in terms of arcseconds, not pixels
set rangesG = ra*1.45
device postencap '$!v.0.med$imag.we.ps'
# device x11
#top window left: 1+ PNe Medians
window 2 -3 1 3
ctype black
vecminmax wGm wmin wmax
lim -1 90 $($wmin-$($wmin*.5))
connect rangesG wGm
# #temp for initial testing
# relocate $(rangesG[0]) $(wGm[0])
# #dot $($wmin-$($wmin*.5))
ylabel Random w/ 1+ PNe
#sigma error bars
ctype blue
set sig = abs(wGs)
errorbar rangesG wGm sig 2
errorbar rangesG wGm sig 4
#U/L quartile error bars
ctype red
set R2u = abs(wGu - wGm)
set R2l = abs(wGl - wGm)
errorbar rangesG wGm R2u 2
errorbar rangesG wGm R2l 4
#basic labels
lim 10 90 0 10.2
ctype black
relocate 25 11.6
label $imag -
ctype red
relocate 110 11.6
label red-upper/lower quartile
ctype blue
relocate 70 11.6
label blue-sigma
ctype black
relocate 25 10.5
label average medians
relocate 143 10.5
label delta plots
relocate 87 10.3
label \it{$(dimen(randMt))+ trials}
#top middle window: Random PNe Medians
window 2 -3 1 2
ctype black
vecminmax randGm randmin randmax
lim -1 90
$($randmin-$($randmin*.5)) $($randmax+$($randmax*.5))
connect rangesG randGm
# #temp for initial testing
# relocate $(rangesG[0])
# dot
ylabel Random
#sigma error bars
ctype blue
set sig = abs(randGs)
errorbar rangesG randGm sig 2
errorbar rangesG randGm sig 4
#U/L quartile error bars
ctype red
set Ru = abs(randGu - randGm)
set Rl = abs(randGl - randGm)
errorbar rangesG randGm Ru 2
errorbar rangesG randGm Rl 4
#bottom middle window: 0 PNe Medians
window 2 -3 1 1
ctype black
vecminmax woGm womin womax
lim -1 90 $($womin-$($womin*.5))
connect rangesG woGm
# #temp for initial testing
# relocate $(rangesG[0]) $(woGm[0])
# dot
ylabel Random w/ 0 PNe
xlabel half-box width (arcseconds)
#sigma error bars
ctype blue
set sig = abs(woGs)
errorbar rangesG woGm sig 2
errorbar rangesG woGm sig 4
#U/L quartile error bars
ctype red
set wou = abs(woGu-woGm)
set wol = abs(woGl-woGm)
errorbar rangesG woGm wou 2
errorbar rangesG woGm wol 4
#do the deltas!
##calculate deltas - ANTIQUATED
##set Rw = wGm - randGm
##set Rwo = woGm - randGm
##set Rwwo = wGm - woGm
#find limits
vecminmax DwGm wmin wmax
vecminmax DwoGm womin womax
vecminmax DwwoGm wwomin wwomax
set dimen(chk) = 6
set chk[0]=$wmin
set chk[1]=$wmax
set chk[2]=$womin
set chk[3]=$womax
set chk[4]=$wwomin
set chk[5]=$wwomax
vecminmax chk ymin ymax
#if ($twomin < $onmin && $twomin <
$offmin) { define ymin $twomin }
#if ($onmin < $twomin && $onmin <
$offmin) { define ymin $onmin }
#if ($offmin < $twomin && $offmin <
$onmin) { define ymin $offmin }
#if ($twomax > $onmax && $twomax >
$offmax) { define ymax $twomax }
#if ($onmax > $twomax && $onmax >
$offmax) { define ymax $onmax }
#if ($offmax > $twomax && $offmax >
$onmax) { define ymax $offmax }
#add some buffer around the edges for error bars
define ymax $($ymax + $(abs($ymax-$ymin)/2))
define ymin $($ymin - $(abs($ymax-$ymin)/2))
#deltas on the right side
#top window : delta (R - 1)
window 2 -3 2 3
ctype black
lim -1 90 $ymin $ymax
connect rangesG DwGm
ylabel Delta(1 - R)
#sigma error bars
ctype blue
set sig = abs(DwGs)
errorbar rangesG DwGm sig 2
errorbar rangesG DwGm sig 4
#U/L quartile error bars
ctype red
set u = abs(DwGu-DwGm)
set l = abs(DwGl-DwGm)
errorbar rangesG DwGm u 2
errorbar rangesG DwGm l 4
#middle window : delta (R - 0)
window 2 -3 2 2
ctype black
lim -1 90 $ymin $ymax
connect rangesG DwoGm
ylabel Delta(0 - R)
#sigma error bars
ctype blue
set sig = abs(DwoGs)
errorbar rangesG DwoGm sig 2
errorbar rangesG DwoGm sig 4
#U/L quartile error bars
ctype red
set u = abs(DwoGu - DwoGm)
set l = abs(DwoGl - DwoGm)
errorbar rangesG DwoGm u 2
errorbar rangesG DwoGm l 4
#bottom window : delta (1 - 0)
window 2 -3 2 1
ctype black
lim -1 90 $ymin $ymax
connect rangesG DwwoGm
ylabel Delta(1 - 0)
xlabel half-box width (arcseconds)
#sigma error bars
ctype blue
set sig = abs(DwwoGs)
errorbar rangesG DwwoGm sig 2
errorbar rangesG DwwoGm sig 4
#U/L quartile error bars
ctype red
set u = abs(DwwoGu - DwwoGm)
set l = abs(DwwoGl - DwwoGm)
errorbar rangesG DwwoGm u 2
errorbar rangesG DwwoGm l 4
!convert 12.0.med3.fits.we.ps
!convert 12.0.med3m.fits.we.ps
!convert 12.0.med4.fits.we.ps
!convert 12.0.med4m.fits.we.ps
!convert 12.0.med7.fits.we.ps
!convert 12.0.med7m.fits.we.ps
!convert 12.0.medSub.fits.we.ps
!convert 12.0.medSubm.fits.we.ps
!cp *.gif /astroweb_data/web/steven/PNe12/
!cp *.gif ~/Virgo/Web/PNe12/