M84 and M86: Close friends?
Want to see simulations/practice? Click here
Here's the image/data we're working with:

And the initial hand mask of big bad stars and galaxies:

And the Good Old UN-mask: [sure it's crazy, but it works]

Now, here's something new. To best mask out all the other galaxies and
stuff, we smooth with inner radius = 55, outer radius = 60, subtract
this off, and OBJ mask the subtraction.
(OBJmask has ngrow = 3, agrow = 3, hsigma = 2, blksize = -5)
[Mr5560sP1.pl on M.fits]

And, applying the unmask, we get:
[Mr5560sP1un.pl on M.fits]

ellipse is run with this mask
(as M.pl, and M.fit). First, ellipse is run on the mask with only the
left galaxy unmasked, which looks like this:
[MUN1.pl is UN mask for left galaxy.
UN1.pl is UN mask, but 0 and 1 are flipped, so it can be used as a
normal mask
Mr5560sP1un1.pl on M.fits:

[ellipse is centered at 698
1141 and fixed there. This is the brighest point in the image, and
marked by the small red circle above]
(the green circle in the middle is a bright star that messed up the fit
on previous attempts)
(fixed with PA = -65)
M1.dat: [runs to a fit out to 1431px]

And the original model (out to 1431px):
(extrapolated to 3000px)
With its subtraction from the original image:

Now, we take this image, smooth on the same i55,o60 scale, subtract
that from the original, OBJmask it, and display that mask on top of the
original image:
(procedure, for my reference, to generate this image)
M1msr5560sP1 is obj mask
nproto> imarith M1msr5560sP1.pl * MUN2.pl M1msr5560sP1.pl
nproto> imarith M1msr5560sP1.pl + UN1.pl M1msr5560sP1.pl
nproto> imarith M1msr5560sP1.pl + Mhand.pl M1msr5560sP1.pl
-Center is indicated with red circle, at image coords of (1383, 996)
M1msr5560sP1.pl on M.fits (also M2.pl, I guess)

ellipse gets (M2.dat) (out to
2473 px)

and the model:
(out to 3000px)

and the subtraction from the original image:
...and extrapolated...

And now, subtracting both galaxy models from original image:

Next step, use M2 fit subtraction to get a better fit of left galaxy....
Starting with previous image of extrapolated subtracted fit of M2:

We re-smooth it on i55,o60 scale and subtract:

The OBJmask (with appropriate UNmasking) on this is:
[M2mEs5560sP1UN.pl on M.fits]

Now we will fit for the left galaxy...
(fix center on 698, 1141 px, fix PA at -65
Outputting to M1v2.dat [reached 2060px]

The model: (to 2060px)
extrapolated to 3000px

The subtraction:

Now, refitting the right galaxy with this as initial starting image,
using both the extrapolated and the non-extrapolated ones from above
Smoothing on i55,o60 and subtracting:

... and OBJmasking this (with hand mask, too, of course, and UNmasking
the right galaxy, masking the left):
[M1v2ms5560sP1UN.pl on M.fits] [M1v2mEs5560sP1UN.pl
on M.fits]

And doing ellipse for these:
(center is fixed at 1383, 996, PA is fixed at -55)
[M2v3.dat (out to 828px)]
[M2v3E.dat (out to 994px)]
Only real data:
Extrapolated data:

If we use the previously un-extrapolated fit, we get these two
subtractions. The left is un-extrapolated, the right is extrapolated to
[M2v3ms.fits - real - to 993px]
[M2v3mEs.fits - extrapolated -
to 3000px]
If we use the previously extrapolated fit, we get these two
subtractions. Left is un-extrapolated again, and right is extrapolated:
[M2v3Ems.fits - real (this time) to 993px]
[M2v3EmEs.fits -
extrapolated to 3000px]
Quick comparisons:
For left galaxy

blue - M1.dat - first try
green - M1v2.dat - after M2 had been subtracted, M1 was refit
For right galaxy:

blue - M2.dat - first try after M1 had been subtracted off
green - M2v3.dat - second time around after M1 had been subtracted off
(and M1 was fit after M2 had been subtracted off)
magenta - M2v3e.dat - second time through but using extrapolated model
when subtracting off M1 (see here).
First we do some practice simulations...
e1.dat was done centered on left galaxy, e1v2.dat was done centered on
right galaxy.
#xc yc mag model rad ar pa
160 286 -12 devauc 6 2 -55
350 256 -12 devauc 5 1.1 10

Assigning the fit to start at the center of the left galaxy we get this
fit and model:
[Important note: I have set the center FIXED at the proper coordinates.
Without that, the fit blew up badly.]
[I have also fixed the position angle. This is great for the
theoretical ones, but in reality, probably will be tough...]


Now, we subtract this galaxy from the main image, and try to fit the
other galaxy (hopefully this is clever):
Here is the subtraction:

Fitting the 2nd galaxy, we get:

and the fit:

[the doughnut is from the other galaxy's center messing things up, this
might iterate out]
and the subtraction from the subtracted image:

Or, the subtraction from the original image:

Re-fitting this