Summary of newer pretty pictures work: fix - means values are rescaled from 0 to 100, rather than negative whatever to positive whatever and is done with fixx.g log - means all values are replaced by their log values and is done with logv.g darker - means brightness/contrast are adjusted on result in general, the procedure is to bring in the 10-20 sections of moment maps, and to adjust levels to include only actual data values, then adjust curves sort of in a log-like manner, trying to minimise the effects of the noise/stripes, then just set all layers at 'screen', and hope for the best! though it is less "true/authentic", most times it looks better to do 'fix' first, then do 'log', though the scaling is questionable, for sure. /GASSpretty2/ GASS_v_6_log_fix_ok.jpg - see above GASS_v_6_log_fix_ok(darker).jpg - see above GASS_v_6_log_fix_notbad.jpg - just a different curves/levels GASS_v_6_log_fix_notbad_dark.jpg - duh /GASSprettyms/ - only magellanic stream area, ~200x600px? ms_v_10_layers_no_pm50.jpg - 10 layers, no +/- 50 km/s (and no colors from it, so no greenish/blueish around local gas...) ms_v_20_fix_log_layers_ok.jpg - 10 layers, with local gas ms_v_20_fix_log_layers_ok_darker.jpg - better looking, above ms_v_20_fix_log_layers_scale.jpg - scale for these... ms_v_6_fix_log_layers_basic.jpg - 6 layer RYGCBM version /GASSprettyms/ms800/ - bigger version, 300x800px ? ms800_10_fix_log_layers_ok.jpg - 10 layers, with local gas, not great, kind of too much local gas