0840 Arrive. Starting back in on to-do list... 0925 issue with units on multcomp corr vs. fit is that the corr gets its units from just summing over all channels, without respect to channel width/units 1017 running: (to prepare big version of stuff) extract('big','09:30:00','-73d10m00s','J2000',700,1400) and re-writing the parameter/error display settings in multcomp.g, which is harder than it seems like it should be! 1201 lunch 1300 back tweaking multcomp.g display and errors and fits and components 1500 snack 1533 back working more on multcomp.g 1602 fixed up very well. makes IR_sim / IR_actual graph and a ratio/ratio to HI graph. and re-fits things that have negative slopes running big.img through MSe stuff 1660 modified tau2.g to handle bigger files, doing them in 8 pieces... it's running... 1705 hopefully tau2.g will finish... trail time!