0930 Arrive. Was sleepin' in. running things on makar since sophia's not here today... more memory, and it can handle subimages from cubes and all 1200 lunch @ science center 1250 back talked more to gary anderson about ballooning stuff working on fixing moment maps to be spread like this: 1(Red) 2(Yel) 3(Gre) 4(Cya) 5(Blu) 6(Mag) -250,-150 -150,-75 -75,0 0,75 75,150 150,250 instead of by cubes: 1-3 4,5 6,7 8,9 10,11 12-14 and saving these as: even_6_1.fits and even_6_1_log.fits (for image 1 of 6) instead of chunk_1_6.fits and chunk_1_6_log.fits TODO: plotchi.g doesn't actually always put velocities out in the right places... maybe? ms - magellanic stream bit...make pretty? going to pick an area to work on correlation/etc fitting and all... scale pretty pictures by sin(galactic_latitude)... finish well-separated velocity ranges on makar, on scratch disk