0915 Arrive. Running 'late' from staying up too late last night singing songs by candlelight/thunderstorm, and eating bread. First: comparing IRIS and SFD ... in compareIS/ folder 0950 Looking comparable, but want to crop the edges of SFD so that it's an exact 1:1 match, pixel by pixel, with IRIS... making crop.g... scans over every pixel, finds ones outside a set limit, and sets them to 0. Takes a while to run, though... LOTS of errors as it hits the corners, too... but they are ok and it's still working 1100 made IS.fits, which is ratio of IRIS / SFD making re-grids of IRIS tile to match SFD ngp, and vice versa... ::for my reference:: I200B4H0.FIT - original IRIS tile #200 I200B4H0_nodeg.fits - IRIS tile #200 w/o degenerate axis IRIS_regrid_GASS_w.fits - complete IRIS data regridded to GASS Igal.fits - single tile, in Galactic coordinates SFD_i100_4096_sgp.fits - original sgp of SFD data SFD_i100_all_regrid_mask.fits - SFD map (problematic) regridded to GASS IS.fits - ratio of IRIS/SFD, in GASS regridding Igal.fits - IRIS tile #200 regridded in galactic... SFDregridIRIS.fits - orig. SFD regridded to match IRIS tile #200 ISregridIRIS.fits - IRIS/SFD, regridded to match IRIS tile #200 1202 lunch! 1230 back from lunch continuing on IRIS/SFD comparison.... trouble is that the regridded SFD to match IRIS doesn't *quite* line up right... but if you use both galactic, they should be fine!! and are. [this is tricky/finicky/tedious to get worked out....] SFD_i100_4096_sgp.fits - original SFD sgp image IRISregridSFD - regridding... not working... ISregridSFD - IRIS/SFD, regridded to match SFD sgp 1355 DJ stopped down, looked at ISregridIRIS.fits, said to: -pick a few tiles, "representative sample" from IRIS, compare to SFD -also run point by point correlation (corr.g?) on the comparisons for comparisons, picking tiles: 200 - 01:45 +00.00 (J2000) - SGP-ish 10 - 01:11 -69.05 (J2000) - SMC-ish 33 - 12:13 -59.25 (J2000) - on galactic plane 88 - 18:44 -39:43 (J2000) - above plane, fun cloud 1405 Procedure for making comparisons: <>get into non-degenerate - im := imagefromimage(infile='I010B4H0.FIT',dropdeg=T,outfile='I010B4H0_nodeg.img') - im.tofits('I010B4H0_nodeg.fits') <>get into galactic gridding (for regrd.g) - im := image('I010B4H0_nodeg.fits') - cs := im.coordsys() - cs.setreferencecode(value='GALACTIC',type='dir',adjust=T) - im2 := im.regrid(outfile='I010B4H0_nodeg_gal.img',csys=cs) - im2.tofits('I010B4H0_nodeg_gal.fits') <>regrid SFD to match this IRIS tile - include 'regrd.g' - regrd('SFD_i100_4096_sgp.fits','I010B4H0_nodeg_gal.img','SFDregridI010') <>convert to arrays, divide, convert back to images - S := image('SFDregridI010.fits') - I := image('I010B4H0_nodeg_gal.fits') - cs := I.coordsys() - Sa := S.getchunk() - Ia := I.getchunk() - ISa := Ia/Sa - IS := imagefromarray(pixels=ISa,csys=cs,outfile='ISregridI010.img') - IS.tofits('ISregridI010.fits') <>plot pixel-by-pixel correlation: - include 'corr.g' - corr('I010B4H0_nodeg_gal.img','SFDregridI010.img','test.ps') 1450 talk! 1355 back from talk. 1602 DJ down, to look at graphs/regions/etc... DO: put slope=1 line on the correlation graphs... 1657 Graphs of correlations are saved as .ps and .ps.gif files in the /compareIS/ folder. 1738 Been catching up on emails, cleaning up stuff from the day, getting reading for interesting comparisons/etc tomorrow... Going to piano for a while, then over to Glen's for dinner at 6:30... 1811 leaving?