0925 rabbit rabbit rabbit! Arrive. First task, get corr.g loaded/running to show DJ if he stops down. Then, start into the re-gridding process!! (or smoothing, or something...) 0945 tweaked the corr.g code - it now only takes from pixel 6 to n-6 from both IR and HI data. There was darkening around the edges of the IR data (from the smoothing/convolution, no doubt) and that made the correlation worse than it should have been. 1015 picked region to attempt re-gridding on... calling it region j: gal: +101:48:45, -62:05:14 <-- use these!! J2000: 00:13:38, -00:42:33 making j5, j10, j25, j50, for 5x5,10x10, etc pixels and in galactic, in case that's easier, j5gal, j10gal, etc fits and img formats in the /compare2/ folder DETAILS: going to smooth the SFD maps to match the HI.... 1050 So this is really really easy. and is in regrd.g script. It worked flawlessly on up to 50x50 images, going to try a 250x250... region k: 250x250, centered on (gal) +133:45:26 -69:39:32 1130 k250gal.img/fits for starters... did the 0-moment, and even corr.g on this region... 1205 Toney stops down, mentions: -Piano - talk to Amy Shelton for a key to the rec center, where there is a piano -Optical scope - talk to Sue Ann Heather(?) in the visitor center, they have some there. Off to lunch... 1245 Back from Lunch. DJ said to reproduce everything from the Lockman/ Condon paper, then we'd start working on GASS data! comparing in /compareLC (in /export/home/ninkasi/scratch/sjanowie/) 1355 NOTE: it's important when running regrd() that the reference (image #2) be in GALACTIC coords. all Galactic for that regridding. 1505 process/scripts are all written to get everything in place to compare HI and IR data. I have the whole datasets from SFD98 as well as all the GASS data. The comparisons with the Lockman Condon paper all match up, and things look good. Also some summary of this match in /compareLC/lockcond.html. now, back to reading that Rupen article more... 1530 DJ stopped down. I showed the (relative) agreement between my stuff and the Lockman Condon paper, and in general how things were. His suggestions: -fix html page (done) -optimise subvmom.g, by converting to cm^-2 when doin the getchunk() command, and saving time. I'm not sure if that is possible. If code runs slow, I'll look into it later. -regrid COMPLETE SFD98 data set to match the GASS data... this requires concatting their north and south fields! Challenge! -"time" things.. how long does this whole process take at present? Everything. 1555 He headed back upstairs, and I'm going to start on big regridding! Doing a test - if I find the 0-moment of velocities -250 to 0, then for 0 to 250, and add those results, will I get the same as when I do from -250 to 250? NO. relatedly, sort of, I'm converting all the GASS sub-cubes 000-014 to AIPS files, .img, so that things will be faster in the future, much, much, faster... takes a WHILE new script: extracti.g, operates on the new img files instead of FITS files for obtaining GASS data working in /time/ for time test... waiting for fits-->img conversations of GASS_WGTMED files... 1700 heading out