Blog of Arizona trip '07 to Kitt Peak
[04/08/2007 - 04/12/2007]

Sat 4/7/07  |  Sun 4/8/07  |  Mon 4/9/07  |  Tue 4/10/07 | Wed 4/11/07 | Thu 4/12/07 |

Thursday, April 12:

~8:45am - awake! Breakfast and then got to be heading out in a half hour or so

~12:30am - yep, nothing happening tonight. We filled the dewar and are headed for bed.

~12:00am - just stuck my head outside - it's very very windy still... we're planning to get to bed soon so we can be up and leaving by 9:30 tomorrow morning to get me off on my flight.

Wednesday, April 11:

~11:00pm - still verrrry windy. So we watched a movie and made chicken for dinner.

~7:45pm - just woke up from a rather lengthy nap... weather's crappy for tonight, looks useless.

~3:00pm - little walk around the area again... tonight's not looking good....

~12:45pm - I'm putting the "for fun" pictures from last night up here, on this page.

~11:45am - finished the astronomy homework, time for breakfast - more oatmeal!

~10:15am - just woke up... have to finish some astronomy homework that's due at 3pm EDT, or noon here.

~4:15am - just closed up. It's been a good night! Got a lot of good data, and had some time to play around after the Moon came up, too. Will upload pictures tomorrow.... sleep now!

Tuesday, April 10:

~11:00 pm - opening back up! Humidity's down and we're back to the usual sequences of images!

~9:45pm - drat - humidity is very high again, we're "temporarily closed"... so the lens caps are on, but the dome is still open and the drive and everything is still going and ready if it drops back down later...

~8:30pm - aligned, focused, etc, did some standards, and now the first Sky West is going... and it's time to start making dinner - pasta tonight!

~7:00pm - opened up the dome, got things started, and taking 25 zeros now...

- sunset, just like usual

- have been working on homework and laundry... just filled the dewar:
Here is a short video of what it sounds/looks like when the dewar's done filling:

Here is another short video showing the walk between the telescope and the room we sit in:

~1:30pm - took a nice long walk outside around the facilities... checked out the solar telescope, some nice views, and sat on some rocks in the sun for a while. Here are some photos...
Some of the solar telescope:
Ok fine, some of these are dorky...

~12:15pm - woke up, took a shower, oatmeal for breakfast.

~1:45am - took a quick walk outside to see the moon rising, and an amazing smattering of stars! But now, it's bed time.

~1:30am - and as quickly as it was wonderful, it's bad now... humidity started shooting up in the 90%s (our limit is 85%), and we had to close up. All done for the night, since the moon is also rising now...

~1:00am - Hooray! The wind is down enough and the humidity is reading out just barely ok (and after using the expensive railing test equipment (aka go outside and touch the railing) it seemed ok). Going to get 2 real images before moonrise around 1:30, then get some other stuff done immediately after that, before it gets too bad.

Monday, April 9:

~10:00pm - just into the first real data image and winds were steadily over 40 mph... we'll keep our eyes on the wind and hope for the best, but we're closed up until things improve...

~9:30pm - we got the telescope up and started... it's currently taking a blank sky field (for calibration/etc later). Very windy though, and we might have to shut down for that...

~8:15pm - Dinner! Stirfry - yum:

~7:45pm - started getting telescope stuff going... the chip was reading really noisy, so we did random things to it to try to fix it (swapping power cords, off/on, etc) and eventually it improved (when we pointed it vertical). The telescope is now doing a bunch of zeros (0 second long exposures for calibration) and we're going to make/eat dinner while it goes.

~7:00pm - the sunset was pretty, especially on the mountain to the east:
And the sun behind a weather station:

~3:30pm - started doing a little research work I was behind on - it's easier when I can just ask Prof. Mihos questions since he's right behind me.

~2:30pm - just got back from the grocery and all. Unloaded/put away groceries, and filled the dewar. Lunch: taco shell w/ provolone and turkey in it.

~1:30pm - At the cost of our souls, we find the food we seek in Walmart. Then we head back to the observatory:
(can you tell I just read "On The Road" by Jack Kerouac?)
View of the 4m from afar:
And our mysterious cool flower friends:
More roadside sights on the drive back up:

~12:30pm - leaving the grocery store, in search of better tea and coffee selection (but otherwise satisfied)
We venture out further:
And pass a casino:

~11:30am - on the drive down, we encounter some very interesting flowers that we first noticed on the way up yesterday:

~11:15am - we're off down the mountain to the grocery store!
First views of the morning:

~10:45am - just woke up, took a shower, and am scavenging around for a bit of cereal or something to breakfast on. It's a bright, sunny, and very clear day - chances looking good for tonight!

~12:15am - It's finally cleared up, mostly. However, the moon rises in 30 minutes, so by the time we actually got opened up and started working, we'd have to stop. Thus, we're calling it quits for the night, and just going to bed. This is especially nice since I've been awake since 9 am (EDT) on Saturday, which was 42 hours ago, with the only sleep being two 2 hr naps on the planes, roughly. So 38 hours of awake-ness, and I'm very ready for sleep. Going to go grocery shopping tomorrow, hooray!

Sunday, April 8: (Easter)

~11pm - We're still waiting for the low clouds to pass... they are very fast moving, so that if you go outside and look up, you won't see anything for a few minutes, then all of a sudden the stars will smear themselves into brilliant existence, only to fade and be wiped away a few seconds later. Basically, not good for astronomy.... moon doesn't come up until 12:42am though, so we're going to stick around and see...

~8:30pm - Making a "real" dinner since can't do anything else still...

~7pm - CCD is being really noisy, it's really windy, and nowhere near dark enough yet... so we're taking a break. Meanwhile, the sun set:

~6pm - quick/easy dinner from the freezer (some kind of quiche), also I hid half a dozen plastic Easter eggs around the observatory and Prof. Mihos just found the first one of them.
"A Schmidty Easter basket" - quoth Prof. Mihos
The dewar is almost cooled down enough now (remember we filled it with liquid nitrogen much earlier?), and we can start getting things ready for tonight.

~5pm - collect/write/post this blog/photos... make some quick dinner, take a nap [didn't happen]...

~3:30pm - we went over with a friend of Prof. Mihos's who's observing for the week on the KPNO 4m (WOW! BIG!)... and since there's no scale, there's Prof. Mihos off to the side...

And, awww, here's me by the 4m.... it's seriously HUGE, and so is the dome:

We visited the control room, talked about what the "telescope operator" does, and such, and then headed outside:
Look at all the telescopes! and the mountains in the distance!

A final look back up at the 4m dome - HUGE

~2:30pm - After getting into the observatory (shhh) we unhooked the vacuum pump and filled the dewar with liquid nitrogen - but the hose had a hole in it... our patch didn't work:

While Prof. Mihos was getting a new hose/tape/etc, I took some pictures of the telescope:
Julie, this one made me think of you:

~12:49pm (MST) - arrive in Tucson
      drive out to the telescope, get there around 2 or 2:30pm (all times in MST from now on)

~12:05pm (CDT) - leave Houston

~10:45am (CDT) - arrive at Houston
      around this time, Prof. Mihos realised that he had forgotten the observatory key...

~8:20am - get on plane bound for Houston, view from window:

~7:15am - arrive at airport

~6:30am - leave my house to meet Prof. Mihos on Cedar. The morning is eerie and surreal:

~5am - Alison and Chloe go home, I shower/pack

~4am - make pancakes
    continue musicking

~2am - make quesedillas
    continue musicking (with Alison and Chloe)

Saturday, April 7:

~10pm - Meet Chloe and begin game night with Miriam, Bret, Alison, Pat
     raucous piano-playing and singing ensue

~7pm - Finally back after much struggle.

~4pm - China Buffet with Pat and Dave - almost die in the horrid snow, repeatedly

~3pm - come back to my house, clean and do laundry

~9am - wake up, go to the quad, do work/research/etc

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