Last updated 2014
Velocity Bias from the Small Scale Clustering of SDSS-III BOSS Galaxies.
H. Guo, Z. Zheng, I. Zehavi, et al., MNRAS, submitted (2014)
The Clustering of Galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Modelling of the Luminosity and Colour Dependence in the Data Release 10.
H. Guo, Z. Zheng, I. Zehavi, et al., MNRAS, 441, 2398 (2014)
The Clustering of Galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Baryon Acoustic Oscillations in the Data Release 10 and 11 Galaxy Samples.
L. Anderson, et al., MNRAS, 441, 24 (2014)
The Clustering of Galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Cosmological Implications of the Full Shape of the Clustering Wedges in the Data Release 10 and 11 Galaxy Samples.
A. Sanchez, et al., MNRAS, 440, 2692 (2014)
The Clustering of Galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Measuring Growth Rate and Geometry with Anisotropic Clustering.
L. Samushia, et al., MNRAS, 439, 3504 (2014)
The Clustering of Galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Luminosity and Color Dependence and Redshift Evolution.
H. Guo, I. Zehavi, Z. Zheng, ApJ, 767, 122 (2013)
An Accurate Method to Correct for Fiber Collisions in Galaxy Clustering Statistics.
H. Guo, I. Zehavi, Z. Zheng, ApJ, 756, 127 (2012)
The growth of galaxy stellar mass within dark matter halos.
I. Zehavi, S. Patiri, Z. Zheng, ApJ, 746, 145 (2012)
Galaxy Zoo: The Environmental Dependence of Bars and Bulges in Disc Galaxies.
R. Skibba, et al., MNRAS, 423, 1485 (2012)
Cosmological constraints from galaxy clustering and the mass-to-number ratio of galaxy clusters.
J. Tinker, et al., ApJ, 745, 16 (2012)
Galaxy clustering in the completed SDSS redshift survey: the dependence on
color and luminosity.
I. Zehavi, Z. Zheng, D.H. Weinberg, et al., ApJ, 736, 59 (2011)
Ameliorating Systematic Uncertainties in the Angular Clustering of Galaxies: A Study Using SDSS-III.
A. Ross, et al., MNRAS, 417, 1350 (2011)
SDSS-III: Massive spectroscopic surveys of the distant universe, the
Milky Way galaxy, and extra-solar planetary systems.
D. Eisenstein, et al., AJ, 142, 72 (2011)
The eighth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First data from
H. Aihara, et al., ApJS, 193, 29 (2011)
The clustering of massive galaxies at z~0.5 from the first semester of
BOSS data.
M. White, et al., ApJ, 728, 126 (2011)
Three-point correlation functions of SDSS galaxies: luminosity and color
dependence in redshift and projected space.
C.K. McBride , et al., ApJ, 726, 13 (2011)
Cosmological constrains from the clustering of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
DR7 luminous red galaxies.
B.A. Reid, et al., MNRAS, 404, 60 (2010)
Baryon acoustic oscillations in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7
galaxy sample.
W.J. Percival, et al., MNRAS, 401, 2148 (2010)
Halo occupation distribution modeling of clustering of luminous red galaxies.
Z. Zheng, I. Zehavi, D.J. Eisenstein, D.H. Weinberg, & Y. Jing,
ApJ, 707, 554 (2009)
Linear theory and velocity correlations of clusters.
R. Sheth, & I. Zehavi, MNRAS, 394, 1459 (2009)
The seventh data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
J.K. Adelman et al., ApJS, submitted (2008)
Passive evolution of galaxy clustering.
H.. Seo, D. Eisenstein, & I. Zehavi, ApJ, 681, 998 (2008)
SDSS galaxy clustering: luminosity & color dependence and stochasticity.
M. Swanson, M. Tegmark, M. Blanton, & I. Zehavi, MNRAS, 385, 1635 (2008)
The sixth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
J.K. Adelman et al., ApJS, 175, 297 (2008)
Galaxy evolution from Halo Occupation Distribution modeling of DEEP2 and SDSS galaxy clustering.
Z. Zheng, A. Coil, & I. Zehavi, ApJ, 667, 760 (2007)
The fifth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
J.K. Adelman et al., ApJS, 172, 634 (2007)
Measuring the matter density using baryon acoustic oscillations in the
Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
W. Percival, et al., ApJ, 657, 51 (2007)
The shape of the SDSS DR5 galaxy power spectrum.
W. Percival, et al., ApJ, 657, 645 (2007)
Cosmological constraints from the SDSS luminous Red galaxies.
M. Tegmark, et al., PRD, 74, 123507 (2006)
Percolation galaxy groups and clustering in the SDSS redshift survey: identification, catalogs and multiplicity function.
A.A. Berlind, et al., ApJS, 645, 977 (2006)
The scale-dependence of relative galaxy bias: encouragement for the halo
model description.
M.R. Blanton, D.J. Eisenstein, D.W. Hogg, & I. Zehavi, ApJ, 645, 977
The effect of large-scale structure on the SDSS galaxy three-point correlation function.
R.C. Nichol, et al., MNRAS, 368, 1507 (2006)
Very small-scale clustering and marger rate of luminous red galaxies.
M. Masjedi, D.W. Hogg, R.J. Cool, D.J. Eisenstein, M.R. Blanton,
I. Zehavi, et al., ApJ, 644, 54 (2006)
A spectroscopic survey of faint quasars in the SDSS deep stripe: I. preliminary result from the co-added catalog.
L. Jiang, et al., AJ, 131, 2788 (2006)
Broadband optical properties of massive galaxies: the dispersion around the field galaxy color-magnitude relation out to z~0.4.
R.J. Cool, et al., AJ, 131, 736 (2006)
The fourth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
J.K. Adelman et al., ApJS, 162, 38 (2006)
Detection of the baryon acoustic peak in the large-scale correlation function of SDSS luminous red galaxies.
D.J. Eisenstein, I. Zehavi, D.W. Hogg, R. Scoccimarro, et al.
ApJ, 633, 560 (2005)
On the mass-to-light ratio of large-scale structure.
J.L. Tinker, D.H. Weinberg, Z. Zheng, & I. Zehavi, ApJ, 631, 41
The luminosity and color dependence of the galaxy correlation
I. Zehavi, Z. Zheng, D.H. Weinberg, J. Frieman, A. Berlind, et al.,
ApJ, 630, 1 (2005)
Cosmology and the halo occupation distribution from small-scale
galaxy clustering in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
K. Abazajian, Z. Zheng, I. Zehavi, D.H. Weinberg, A.A. Berlind,
et al., ApJ, 625, 613 (2005)
The intermediate-scale clustering of luminous red galaxies.
I. Zehavi, D.J. Eisenstein, R. Nichol, et al., ApJ, 621, 22 (2005)
The small-scale clustering of luminous red galaxies via cross-correlation
D.J. Eisenstein, M. Blanton, I. Zehavi, et al., ApJ, 619, 178 (2005)
NYU-VAGC: a galaxy catalog based on new public surveys.
M.R. Blanton, et al., AJ, 129, 2562 (2005)
The third data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, K. Abazajian,
et al., AJ, 129, 1755 (2005)
On departures from a power law in the galaxy correlation function.
I. Zehavi, D.H. Weinberg, Z. Zheng, A. Berlind, J. Frieman, et al.,
ApJ, 608, 16 (2004)
Sloan Digital Sky Survey imaging of low galactic latitude fields,
D.P. Finkbeiner, et al., AJ, 128, 2577 (2004)
The second data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, K. Abazajian,
et al., AJ, 128, 502 (2004)
Cosmological parameters from eigenmode analysis of the Sloan Digital Sky
Survey galaxy redshifts.
A.C. Pope, et al., ApJ, 607, 655 (2004)
The galaxy-mass correlation function measured from weak lensing in the
SDSS. E.S. Sheldon, et al., AJ, 127, 2544 (2004)
Cosmological Parameters from SDSS and WMAP.
M. Tegmark, et al., PRD, 69, 103501 (2004)
The three-dimensional power spectrum of galaxies from the Sloan
Digital Sky Survey. M. Tegmark, et al., ApJ, 606, 702 (2004)
A novel method to identify and quantify of disease-related gene
clusters. G. Firneisz, I. Zehavi, C. Vermes, A. Hanyecz,
J.A. Frieman, & T. Glant, Bioinformatics, 19, 1781 (2003)
(see also
The first data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, K. Abazajian,
et al., AJ, 126, 2081 (2003)
Angular clustering with photometric redshifts in the Sloan Digital
Survey., T. Budavari, et al., ApJ, 595, 59 (2003)
The overdensities of galaxy environments as a function of luminosity
and color.
D.W. Hogg, M.R. Blanton, D.J. Eisenstein, J.E. Gunn, D.J. Schlegel,
I. Zehavi, et al., ApJ, 585, L5 (2003)
Spectroscopic target selection in the sloan digital sky survey: the main
galaxy sample.
M.A. Strauss, et al., AJ, 124, 1810 (2002)
Galaxy clustering in early SDSS redshift data.
I. Zehavi, M.R. Blanton, J.A. Frieman, D.H. Weinberg, H.J. Mo & M.A.
Strauss et al., ApJ, 571, 172 (2002)
The angular power spectrum of galaxies from early SDSS data.
M. Tegmark, et al., ApJ, 571, 191 (2002)
The 3D power spectrum from angular clustering of galaxies in early
SDSS data.
S. Dodelson, et al., ApJ, 572, 140 (2002)
The angular correlation function of galaxies from early SDSS data.
A. Connolly, et al., ApJ, 579, 42 (2002)
Analysis of systematics: effects and statistical uncertainties in
angular clustering of galaxies from early SDSS data.
R. Scranton, et al., ApJ, 579, 48 (2002)
KL estimation of the power spectrum parameters from the angular
distribution of galaxies in early SDSS data.
A. Szalay, et al., ApJ, in press (2003)
Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Early Data Release.
C. Stoughton, et al., AJ, 123, 485 (2002)
An efficient algorithm for positioning tiles in the Sloan Digital
Sky Survey.
M.R. Blanton, R.H. Lupton, F.M. Maley, N. Young, I. Zehavi &
J. Loveday, AJ, in press (2002)
The power spectra of peculiar velocities and momenta.
R.K. Sheth, A. Diaferio & I. Zehavi, MNRAS, preprint
Cosmological density and power spectrum from peculiar velocities: nonlinear
corrections and PCA.
L. Silberman, A. Dekel, A. Eldar & I. Zehavi, ApJ, 557, 102 (2001)
Comparing the SFI peculiar velocities with the PSCz gravity field: a
Velmod analysis.
E. Branchini, W. Freudling, L.N. da Costa, C.S. Frenk, R. Giovanelli,
M.P. Haynes, J.J. Salzer, G. Wegner & I. Zehavi, MNRAS, 326, 1191 (2001)
Cosmological parameters from velocities, CMB and supernovae.
S.L. Bridle, I. Zehavi, A. Dekel, O. Lahav, M.P. Hobson & A.N. Lasenby,
MNRAS, 321, 333 (2001)
Correlation analysis of SFI peculiar velocities.
S. Borgani, S., L.N. da Costa, I. Zehavi, R. Giovanelli, M.P. Haynes,
W. Freudling, G. Wegner & J.J. Salzer, AJ, 119, 102 (2000)
Cluster versus POTENT density and velocity fields: cluster biasing
and Omega.
E. Branchini, I. Zehavi, M. Plionis, M. & A. Dekel, MNRAS, 313, 491 (2000)
Evidence for a positive cosmological constant from flows of galaxies
and distant supernovae.
I. Zehavi & A. Dekel, Nature, 401, 252 (1999)
(see also Ha'aretz ;-))
Large scale power-spectrum and cosmological parameters from SFI peculiar
W. Freudling, I. Zehavi, L.N. da Costa, A. Dekel, A. Eldar, R. Giovanelli,
M.P. Haynes, J.J. Salzer, G. Wegner & S. Zaroubi, ApJ, 523, 1 (1999)
A local Hubble Bubble from SNe Ia?
I. Zehavi, A.G. Riess, R.P. Kirshner & A. Dekel, ApJ, 503, 483 (1998)
(see also Science, 280,
Large-scale power spectrum from peculiar velocities via likelihood
S. Zaroubi, I. Zehavi, A. Dekel, Y. Hoffman & T. Kolatt T., ApJ, 486, 21
(1997) ps
Conf. Proc.
The Small-Scale Clustering of Massive Galaxies At 0.2
J. Parejko, et al., Proc. of the American Astronomical Society meeting 217,
Vol. 43 (2011)
The baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey galaxy sample: early data and
N. Padmanabhan, et al., Proc. of the American Astronomical Society meeting 215,
Vol. 41, p. 518 (2010)
Clustering of ultraluminous infrared galaxies in the Bootes field.
R. De Alba, Proc. of the American Astronomical Society meeting 215,
Vol. 41, p. 513 (2010)
MAGES: the MIPS AGN and galaxy evolution survey.
B. Jannuzi, Proc. of the American Astronomical Society meeting 215,
Vol. 41, p. 513 (2010)
Galaxy clustering and dark matter halos.
I. Zehavi, Proc. of the American Astronomical Society meeting 213,
Vol. 41, p. 265 (2009)
The luminosity and color dependence of the galaxy correlation function.
I. Zehavi, Z. Zheng, D.H. Weinberg, J.A. Frieman, A.A. Berlind, & M.R.
Blanton, Proc. of "The Fabulous Destiny of Galaxies" conference, Marseille,
p. 581 (2006)
Measurements of the clustering of mass in the universe by weak lensing of
SDSS galaxy clusters.
D. Johnston, et al., Proc. of the
American Astronomical Society meeting 205, Vol. 36, p. 1593 (2004)
Clustering of Luminous Red Galaxies in the SDSS.
D.J. Eisenstein, I. Zehavi, R. Nichol, D.W. Hogg, M.R. Blanton, H. Seo,
Z. Zheng & M. Tegmark, Proc. of the
American Astronomical Society meeting 205, Vol. 36, p. 1460 (2004)
Clustering in the SDSS redshift survey.
I. Zehavi, M.R. Blanton, J.A. Frieman & D.H. Weinberg, Proc. of the
American Astronomical Society meeting 200, Vol. 34, p. 777 (2002)
First results on galaxy clustering from early SDSS data.
A. Szalay, et al., Proc. of the American Astronomical
Society meeting 198, Vol. 33, p. 1183 (2001)
Nonlinear peculiar-veloocity analysis and PCA.
A. Dekel, A. Eldar, L. Silberman & I. Zehavi, Proc. of the
MPA/ESO/MPE Joint Astronomy Conference "Mining the Sky", Garching,
236 (2001)
Preliminary W(theta) measurements from the SDSS.
R. Scranton, et al., Proc. of the American Astronomical
Society meeting 196, 5505 (2000)
Cosmological parameters and power spectrum from peculiar velocities.
I. Zehavi & A. Dekel, Proc. of the Cosmic Flows Workshop, Victoria, 262 (2000)
Large-scale mass power-spectrum from peculiar velocities.
I. Zehavi, Proc. of the MPA/ESO Conference "Evolution of Large-Scale
Structure", Garching, 143 (1999)
Large-scale mass power-spectrum from peculiar velocities.
I. Zehavi, Proc. of the Eighth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Jerusalem, 1258 (1998)
Comparing the Mark III and the Abell/ACO density and velocity fields.
E. Branchini, M. Plionis, I. Zehavi & A. Dekel,
Proc. of the ESO Workshop "Galaxy Scaling Relations", Garching, 322 (1997)
Comparing the predicted Abell/ACO cluster & the Mark III galaxy density
and velocity fields.
M. Plionis, E. Branchini, I. Zehavi & A. Dekel,
Proc. of the Wide Field Spectroscopy Meeting, Athens, 311 (1997)
Implications of the Cosmological Velocity and Density fields.
I. Zehavi, PhD Thesis, The Hebrew University (1999)