Problem set 1 for ASTR/PHYS 328/428: Cosmology and Large-Scale Structure

The Distance Scale Debate: Purists versus Realists
Presentations will take place in class on Feb 10.

One group (Bonnie, Steph, Phil) are designated Purists and will defend the absolute distance measures such as the S-Z effect, gravitational lens time delay, and water maser proper motions.

The other group (Alex, Steve, Micah, Shosahana) are Realists who think that these absolute distance indicators are all very well, but not practical or accurate enough to actually use. They will defend the tried-and-true distance scale ladder, assuming that the distance to the LMC is known, and stepping out to interesting distances for measuring H0 by the different secondary techniques.

The 3 auditors can either join a group or be part of the judging panel on the day of the debate.

Each group will have 15 minutes to state their case (and criticize their opponents' choice of method), and then another 5 minutes to respond to their opponents presentation.

You will be judged on how clearly you explain the different methods and their strengths and weaknesses (this will be particularly important for the auditors on the judging panel) and how convincingly you make your case.