Astr 328 Mar3, 2003: Physical cosmology: Luminosity-distance test  

Review Lemaitre equation

Evolution of radiation energy density

Matter and energy density evolve differently with redshift

Plot of matter and energy density evolution

Observational cosmology: how do things like luminosity and angular size vary with redshift in curved space?

Define luminosity distance

Comoving distance diagram

Extension of inverse square law

Distance in terms of redshift and cosmological parameters: the Mattig equation

Conversion to magnitudes

Use of standard candle in this equation

An example of how observed magnitudes of standard candles change with redshift for different cosmological models (values of Omega)

Other limits on the value of Omega from measurements of M/L ratio of galaxies, clusters, etc.

The details: question on large project with SNIa at high redshifts

Irritating details

Lead in to the K-correction