Astr 328 Mar 24, 2003: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis  

Suggested reading: Longair "Galaxy Formation" Sections 1.1 - 1.3

BBN: the story so far

Formation of stable nuclei

How n:p ratio determines fraction of 4He

Measurement of primordial He abundance

Why do no elements like carbon get made?

Nuclear reaction network: note problem at B, Be and Li with mass 8.

What controls abundances of 3He, D and Li?

Baryon density and ratio to photon density

Observational tests of BBN predictions

Measuring the primordial deuterium abundance

Absorption lines in QSO spectra: note "Ly alpha forest"

Measurement of H abundance using damping wings on H line

Detecting higher-order D lines (a very small wavelength shift from H lines)

Detailed fits of D and H lines

Final measurement of D abundance

Measurements from different QSO absorbers

Comparison with predictions: it works really well!

Implications: Big Bang theory works; there is lots of non-baryonic dark matter

History: use of galaxy clusters to show that Omega_matter can't be 1

Count (luminous) baryons in rich cluster

Measure total mass

If clusters are representative of the universe, we have a contradiction

Lambda came to the rescue a few years later