Astr 328 April 16, 2003: Testing structure formation models  

Use of the two-point correlation function for galaxies

Processed power spectrum

Pictorial representation of HDM and CDM structure predictions

Plot of processed power spectrum

Computer simulations of the growth of structure in Omega_matter=1 CDM universe

Corresponding two-point correlation functions

Now add lambda

A fudge factor called biasing

Definition of biasing parameter b

QSO absorption line intro

Lyman alpha forest

Picture of Ly alpha forest

Number of clouds vs column density

Compare with local HI

Images of local spiral galaxies in HI

And local irregular galaxies

Damped Ly alpha systems: the largest column density

Finding galaxies that correspond to absorbers is not trivial

More examples

Update on these systems: low-luminosity DWARF galaxies dominate sample

Demographics of damped Ly alpha systems

Metal-line systems: Mg II

Metal-line systems: C IV

Examples of spectra

Is there any truly primordial gas?

Clustering of QSO absn line systems

Increases with column density

Two-point correlations functions of absorbers