Problem set 5 for ASTR 323: The Local Universe
Due 5pm Friday November 17
(1) Find a paper which uses the Baade-Wesselink method
to measure the distance to an open or globular cluster. Then find a
paper which uses main-sequence fitting to obtain an independent
estimate for the cluster distance. Compare them, and comment on
possible reasons for any discrepancy. The authors of your papers may
have done this already. You should write about two paragraphs.
(2) Sparke and Gallagher Problems 2.7 and 4.7 (there is a copy in the library: make sure you use the second edition)
(3) In this problem you will measure the 4000 Angstrom break and the
strength of the H delta line in the spectrum of 5 galaxies observed
by the SDSS.
(a) Using the SDSS Navigator feature you used in Homework 2, look at
the image of each galaxy and print out a copy. Navigator gives a
first-look spectrum, but you will need to use a more sophisticated
tool to zoom in on the spectral features of interest.
(4) (Grad students only): Give two reasons why the very first stars to
form might be more massive than current-day stars. Search the
literature for a recent (last 20 years) observational paper on the
metallicity distribution of the Milky Way halo at the low-metallicity
end, and give a 1-2 paragraph summary of the paper's findings,
discussing whether you think this convincingly demonstrates that there
are no zero-metallicity low mass stars existing today.
The table below gives basic information on each galaxy: the plate,
MJD and fiber identify its spectrum, the RA and Dec its image. NB:
you need to include MJD (modified Julian date of the last
observation of the galaxy with the SDSS spectrographs). If you leave
this out you will find yourself trying to analyze the spectrum of a
QSO. I have also given you the redshift of each galaxy and its
total magnitude and g-r0 color.
plate fiber mjd ra dec redshift z petroMag_g gr0 266 545 51630 146.79909 0.70274154 0.03053254 15.61597 0.2200199
266 619 51630 147.02167 0.75447111 0.06200635 15.77394 0.9227763 266 174 51630 146.23184 0.06822915 0.02160817 15.24219 0.8749458 266 1 51602 146.71421 -1.0413043 0.02127545 15.6145 0.7124085 266 628 51602 147.19292 0.27191843 0.02018126 15.83588 0.3826969
the Basic Optical
Spectra Search to get the spectrum, and turn off the model
spectrum overlaid in red using a button named "Best Fit" on the left
below the spectral plot.
In a few sentences, describe the
spectrum of each galaxy, discussing absorption features and
mentioning emission lines if they are visible.
Class notes on
Spectral Synthesis include Figure 1 from Kauffmann et al (MNRAS 341, 33, 2003),
which shows how the Dn4000 and H deltaA
indices are calculated. You can click and drag to zoom in on the
region of the spectrum you are interested in. Zoom to produce a spectrum
from about 3700 to 4400 Angstroms, as shown in Kauffman's figure.
Print this spectrum out.
(b) Calculate the amount that wavelengths of interest in the
spectrum have been redshifted using the definition of redshift
(Carroll and Ostlie p99). Check that this calculation is correct by
looking up the rest wavelength of one of the features marked on the
spectrum and comparing with your result. Give both values.
(c) Calculate Dn4000 and H deltaA for each
spectrum at the galaxy's rest wavelengths for these features, giving
a careful error estimate for each value. Use the Bruzual et al (83)
continuum bands for the Dn(4000) estimate. The H deltaA
index is a "pseudo-equivalent width: the continuum is measured using
the average value in the red and blue side-bands, then the
equavalent width is calculated, as explained
here. Some
of your values will be negative ..... explain how that happens. A
prize will be given to the student who gives values which are
closest to the truth and also have realistic error estimates.
For the galaxies with emission lines, you will need to account
for their presence in the spectrum: what you should be measuring is
the strength of H delta in the absorption spectrum from the stars in
the galaxy. You may make this calculation using pencil and ruler or
by using splot in IRAF. Graduate students should use splot. The fits
files with the spectra can be
downloaded here
and here. If you use splot
you should also make a rough sanity check with pencil and
paper. Describe your measurement procedure, including the way you
choose to compensate for the emission lines, in a few
(d) Plot each galaxy on the Dn4000 vs H deltaA
plot from class notes (Figure 3 from Kauffmann et al 2003) and
discuss whether its position on this plot makes sense with (i) the
model lines from Kauffman et al's Figure 3 (ii) the
galaxy's g-r0 color and spectrum and (iii) the
morphology that you see on the SDSS Navigate image.