Problem set 6 for ASTR 222: From Stars to Cosmology
Due in class Wed March 2
Prof Mihos has a new Java applet called PopSynth that uses models of
how galaxy properties such as color and luminosity change as they age,
to see what we can infer about the galaxy's star formation history. We
are the beta testers.
You can access the applet here.
Set metallicity Z=0.02 (which is solar metallicity) and set starburst
strength b=0 (or the applet doesnt work). You may need to fiddle with
the axis ranges to get all the plot on the page at once.
(a) Work out how the age distribution of a galaxy's stars changes with
different star formation history. "Single burst" has all the star
formation happen instantaneously at t=0. "Constant" has a constant
star formation rate from t=0 to t=15 Gyr. "Declining" means that the
star formation rate varies as e^(-t/tau), with tau of 2 or 5
Gyr. Assume that "Rising" is an exponential rise with tau = 5 Gyr.
Plot the age distribution at t=13.5 Gyr of the galaxy's stars for each
(b) You can find the Mv and B-V color of an A0 and K0 star
in the table below. How much brighter is an A0 star than
a K0 star?
Using the age distributions derived above, and assuming that the
main sequence lifetimes are 10^7 and greater than 2x10^10 years
respectively, work
out what proportion of the stars from the single burst and constant,
histories will be A0 and K0
stars at t=13.5 Gyr (make B and F stars honorary A stars, G and M
stars honorary K stars).
Make a rough estimate of the B-V color of each of these two star
formation histories at 13.5 Gyr.
(c) Now, use the applet to explore more fully how a galaxy's light
output (luminosity and color) changes as it ages, for different star
formation histories. Plot (and print out) the B-V color against time
and the V magnitude against time for the single burst and constant
histories. Use your results from (b) above to explain these plots.
(d) Now look at the data for elliptical galaxies ("RC3 Elliptical" --
the RC3 is a catalog of galaxy properties for nearby galaxies, so at
the present time, t=13.5 Gyr) and for
late type spirals ("RC3 Sc/d"). On the plots of B-V color vs time, you
only see a band for the range of colors; also plot U-B vs B-V color so
you can see individual galaxy datapoints and get a feeling for how the
data are distributed in that band. Using the results from (c) and the
color distributions, discuss what you can infer about the star
formation histories of elliptical and late type spiral galaxies from
these plots.