Observing galaxies - night sky brightness
Most of a galaxy is fainter than
night sky
Low surface brightness galaxies
M101, prototypical high surface
brightness spiral
Malin I, large low surface
brightness disk galaxy
Malin I luminosity distribution
How many galaxies are we missing?
Physical properties vs Hubble type
Size and mass
Gas content
Classify galaxies in the Hubble
Deep Field
Hubble deep field wide view
Hubble deep field details
Dark Matter in Galaxies:
Dark matter in galaxies
Distribution of mass via rotation curves
Milky Way rotation curve
Some well-observed rotation curves
NGC 3198 -- HI extends much further
than stars
Mass inside R as function of
circular velocity
Flat rotation curves -- huh?
How do we go from L to M?
We postulate existence of dark matter
Dark matter candidates
Wait a minute!