Astr 222 Jan 12 2004: Neutron stars and black holes  

Nucleosynthesis in supernovae

Question: What are some possible explanations for such a short period radio emission?

Pulsar period distribution

Neutron Stars

Neutron interior model

Neutron star structure

Magnetic fields of Neutron stars

Question:Could you land on a neutron star?

Answer: Tidal forces!

Pulsar Emission mechanism

Question: Will there be pulsars we can never see?

Pulsar Emissions

The Crab Nebula

The Crab Pulsar

Period changes of Crab Pulsar

Black Holes

Review of Special Relativity

Curved spacetime

2-D Cartesian Coordinates

Metric for flat spacetime

Timelike and Lightlike


Special Relativity and metric

General Relativity

Question: What are geodesics on the two-dimensional curved spaces

Photon's path

Nothing can move faster than the speed of light

Principle of Equivalence

the Elevators

Charge and mass are different -- why not inertial and gravitational mass?

Equivalence principle for a horizontally traveling photon

Gravitational Fields and Equivalence

Metrics and Schwarzschild

More on the Schwarzschild metric

Black Holes

Falling into a black hole

Frozen in time

Schwarzchild metric

Question: How might the Universe appear?