Astr 222 Feb 22, 2000
Normal galaxies -- the Hubble sequence and additions such as low surface brightnes galaxies, structure and dark matter in galaxies
Classifying galaxies -- the Hubble sequence
Elliptical galaxies
M87, bright elliptical in Virgo cluster
the Leo I dwarf spheroidal galaxy
Luminosity distribution
The r**1/4 law
Spiral galaxies
Local Group galaxy M33 (Sc)
NGC 891 -- the Milky Way's "twin"? (Sb)
NGC 253
NGC 1365 SB
NGC 4594, the Sombrero galaxy (Sa)
Luminosity distribution - disks and bulges
Less obvious galaxies
Irregular galaxies
The Large Magellanic Cloud
The Small Magellanic Cloud
NGC 6822, Local Group Irregular galaxy