Problem set 4 for ASTR 201: The Sun and its Planets
Due in class, Thurs Sept 23
Redshift workbook Lift-Off exercise 8 (To Boldly Go) (we will start this exercise in class) and The Solar System exercise 3 (Kepler's Third Law)
Fraknoi Chapter 1 problem 14.
Fraknoi Chapter 2 Thought questions 10, 11, 12
Fraknoi Chapter 2 Problems 16, 18, 19, 21
Fraknoi Chapter 2 Redshift question 2. Hint: to set view to heliocentric, go to Location panel at top R of screen. Click on planets/moons until Heliocentric appears, you can then change latitude to 90 and height to 20 AU.
(Please hand this in on a separate sheet of paper so that Dr
Morrison can grade it.)
Describe in about half a page what you have chosen to do for your
special project, part 3 of the log book exercise.